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Campus Celebrity: The DJs of Zahm House

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

The men of Zahm House are a special breed of individuals who have a fair deal to contribute to the Notre Dame community, from the iconic “Here Come the Irish” flag, to the twice-annual “Bun Run” in which we are all presented with a closer look of Zahm than most would like. However, there is one aspect of Zahm that goes overlooked throughout the year and can only be appreciated by those on North Quad and any distant visitors to our side of campus: music.

Many of you have had the privilege of basking in the sun, enjoying the beautiful weather and great company. But what you may take for granted is the great DJ that plays the soundtrack of your springtime.

Zahm graces North Quad with a variety of song choices throughout the year, from the seasonal Christmas jams, to appropriately remixed, yet traumatic “Dirty Disney” jams during the springtime.

The calculated playlists we are exposed to each month can only be the result of highly dictated research and strict self-control ever common to all Zahm boys—or just a really good Spotify Radio station. 

Thus, I have corresponded with just one of the many aspiring DJ crews of Zahm House to discuss the algorithm in entertaining the masses. However, to protect their identity, and to keep the ladies at bay, they have opted for anonymity. 

Interviewee Note: The opinions expressed in this interview are not indicative of the entire 5-man or the dorm, though we support quad music! 

Men Behind the Mystery

Who are you? I want to keep it kind of anonymous, we are an unidentified 5-man in Zahm.

What’s your DJ name? Lenny da Juiceman

Why do you play music? People like it! And we have awesome speakers so why not!

What’s your favorite song or theme to play? “I Love College” by Asher Roth. It reminds me of the “social gatherings” we have on weekends.

How many speakers do you have? Only two, believe it or not!

What’s your primary source of music? Usually Spotify, but sometimes I just put on Asher Roth Pandora and let it do what it wants.

What’s your favorite way to love a cat? We’re really more into loving dogs, but as far as loving cats? Giving it some milk.


First off, how do you choose your music? Some people send in requests, but I live by a motto: if it gets me amped to work out, it’s great for the quad.

What’s the most important part of your duty as Official North Quad DJ? Making sure people enjoy the quad. It’s the best part of campus, I make it better!

What is one song you will never play? I really dislike Kendrick Lamar; I think he’s totally overrated.

What is one song you will always play? “I Love College” by Asher Roth

Do you guys ever have sing-a-longs when a really good song comes one? Ha, totally. Every day at 4:15 we start Disney Hour and we sing all of the songs that I choose.

What determines whether we will be graced with your melodies for the day? My schedule, honestly. I have to make sure I get a work out in, and sometimes my schedule is too crowded to do class, weights, and music.

What are your guidelines for football weekends and other family friendly events? Keep it clean. If the song has the n-word, the f-word, the b-word, or the c-word, we won’t play it.

War of the Quads

What’s your biggest North Quad rivalry when it comes to playing music? Actually, sometimes it’s my roommates. They try to put their own song choices in, but it can really screw up the vibe (Love you guys).

How do your section and hall mates feel about the deafening noise emitting from your room pretty constantly? House mates (had to correct ya!). And they love it! I’ve become almost a celebrity around the house.

Have you seen any of the recent NDCrushes about you, and how do you respond? I have! I love the support, and if you know where we live, don’t be afraid to drop by and give some input!

The Future

Do you have any plans of taking to the web for requests? We have already set up a twitter account! Follow us at @zahmquadmusic. Request with #quadmusic

Do you have any idea who will continue your legacy while you go abroad/graduate? We have decided to pass down the speakers to a group of upcoming sophomores. Look out for them!

Any tips for aspiring DJs like yourselves? Don’t back down! People may dislike a song choice (“Let it Go,” “100 Ways to Love a Cat”) but be yourself, play what you like!

When can we next look forward to enjoying your great musical taste? If there are people on the quad, I’ll be there!


Thanks, guys!


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Kat L

Notre Dame

Katrina Linden is an American Studies and Latino Studies Double Major. When she's not drinking coffee or sleeping, she's running HCND with her co-CC, assissting the director of Undergraduate Studies at the Institute for Latino Studies, or pretending to work at NDH. Message her at katrinalinden@hercampus.com if you're interested in writing for HCND.