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Big Red’s Best: Chris Flynn ’18

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Meet Maryland’s Most Interesting Man, Chris Flynn! It is rumored that he really is the smartest, strongest, and humblest man in all of Dillon Hall. When he isn’t working on engineering problems in the library, you can find him listening to Jack Johnson or watching the Orioles in his spacious quad.

Chris does all he can to make a positive impact on the world and put a smile on everyone’s face, and that is why we love him!

The Lowdown:

Name: Chris Flynn

Year: Sophomore

Dorm: Dillon

Major: Mechanical Engineering

Hometown: Phoenix, Maryland

Relationship Status: Taken (but supposedly he has three cute roommates…)

At Home Under the Dome:

Why engineering? Originally, I chose engineering because I had no idea what I wanted to do after I graduated.  I have always gravitated towards math and science.. I’ve enjoyed problem solving for as long as I can remember.  Because of that, engineering seemed like the most logical career path.  Now that I am at the beginning of my sophomore year, I couldn’t be happier with the choice that I have made. I believe that engineering can give me the tools to have a legitimate chance to leave a positive impression on the world – what more could one want?

What activities are you involved in on campus? Camp Kesem, World Hunger Coalition, ASME

If you could give your freshman self some advice now, what would you say? Get more involved in things you are passionate about – the longer you wait the harder it is to get involved!

This or That:

Do you eat pancakes or waffles in the morning? Pancakes

Would you rather have 10 inches of rain or 10 inches of snow? 10 inches of snow

What are you more likely to order at Starbucks, coffee or tea? Coffee

Truth or dare? Dare

My preteen self needs to know, do you prefer ‘NSYNC or Backstreet boys? Justin Timberlake

At Buffalo Wild Wings, do you order spicy or mild wings? Spicy

Let’s settle the age-old debate: Pepsi or Coke? Coke

Who is cuter, Harry Styles or Justin Biber? Stylezzz

Up Close and Personal:

What is the number one item on your bucket list? I want to climb the Seven Summits, the highest mountains on each of the continents.

What did you do this summer? I worked for General Electric in their aviation supply chain.  Over the course of ten weeks I helped to refine the visual management in the plant and I worked to make their processes smoother and more efficient.  I was also able to spend some time with my family and watch my older sister graduate from college.

What is the one song you always sing in the shower? Fire and the Flood – Vance Joy

What is your spirit animal? Turtle

What is it like growing up with a big family? There was never a dull moment.  Growing up with six siblings led to a fair amount of disagreements among the family, especially with everyone so close in age.  We rarely ever unanimously agreed on something. Whether it was what school to cheer for, what game to play, or where to go out to dinner, everything came with a debate.  With that being said, I often regard my siblings as my best friends.  Growing up with a big family is an experience that cannot be replicated.  I am who I am today because of them. 

Next time you see this cutie on campus be sure to say hello! Chris is always down to talk about the newest Vance Joy album or his beloved state of Maryland.


Thanks for the interview, Chris!



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Images: provided by interviewee

S. Riker

Notre Dame
