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6 Ways to Give Back for Thanksgiving

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

The purpose of Thanksgiving seems pretty obvious, I mean, just look at the name. Yet, for some, it’s just another holiday where you spend time with family, feel grateful for what you have, and take a 3-hour nap thanks to the inevitable food coma. However, there’s no better time than now to give back to those who may not be able to celebrate this holiday on their own. Here are six simple, but meaningful, ways you can give back this Thanksgiving:

Donate to a Food Bank

Call your local food bank and find out what policies they have about whether or not they accept leftovers or canned items only. Either way, you are bound to have some sort of unused food! What better way to get rid of it than giving to those in need?

Deliver Meals

Since food banks mostly take unopened/canned food items, another way you can give back is by actually delivering fresh, homemade meals. One great option is through the organization Meals on Wheels. Meals on Wheels is dedicated to helping fight senior isolation and hunger. You can help out by preparing any Thanksgiving food you want and delivering those meals to families in need on Thanksgiving day.

Serve Dinner at a Soup Kitchen or Homeless Shelter

Search for your local soup kitchen, or contact your local Salvation Army to learn about the countless ways you can get involved. Homeless shelters and soup kitchens are always in need of volunteers to help cook, serve, collect the food in order to make sure there is enough to go around and much more!

Run the Turkey Trot Race

There are numerous local Turkey Trot races that take place all over the country. Most of these races support a good cause or benefit local charities. This way, you can burn off all the food before you eat it! That’s how it works… right? Even if you don’t feel like running, you can volunteer at the event to assist with equipment set-up, clean up, course marshalling and so much more.

Send Care Packages/Letters to our Troops

Sadly, many troops won’t be able to make it home for Thanksgiving this year; however, one way that you can help bring that “homey” feeling to them is by sending a care package or letter thanking them for all that they do. Organizations like Operation Gratitude provide you with an address to fund care packages and send letters to. Additionally Homefront America’s “Giving Thanks to Heroes” program supplies families with groceries and a redeemable turkey certificate for their local grocery store.

Remember to Help Your Own Family

It’s so easy to lounge on the couch, watch some Thanksgiving football and wait for the Thanksgiving meal to be prepared. A small yet meaningful way you can give back is by contributing to the Thanksgiving feast, whether you help cook the food, set the table or clean up afterwards—it’s the little things that count. Your loved ones will appreciate the effort, and you’ll feel better knowing you didn’t sit around letting everyone else do all the work.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving break! 

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Tuesday Ford

Notre Dame '21

My name is Tuesday Ford and I'm a Political Science major with a minor in Middle Eastern studies at Notre Dame. I'm from a small town outside of Boston, MA. I love traveling, hanging with friends/family, world politics, everything to do with Boston sports (Tom Brady is GOAT) and I am so excited to be a part of Her Campus ND!