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6 Ways to Get Back into the Swing of School

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

After weeks of sunbathing, home-cooked meals, and freedom from tests and papers, it’s time to get back into the academic groove. While the first week can be a bit overwhelming, here are some tips to make the transition back to school effortless.

Get Organized!

Sit down (even if for five minutes) to create a master schedule for yourself. Placing important dates on your schedule will help you get your year to a great start ahead of time. As you get syllabi from professors, make sure to mark dates of major assignments. Writing down big dates will allow you to see the grand picture of your semester which will help you organize the workload throughout the semester. This is also a great way to get ahead of your work if you see that some weeks are busier than others.

Catch Up with Old Friends

After weeks apart, you and your squad have probably been dying to fill each other on all your summer adventures and gossip. Whether you have a group chat or have a class together, set a time where you can all hang out together. Reuniting with the gang will help relieve some of those back-to-school nerves. 

Get Outside

We all know the never-ending South Bend winter is soon approaching, so make sure to take advantage of the gorgeous summer days to their fullest potential. Even if you just take a short walk, being outside for ten minutes is guaranteed to brighten your day. This is also a great way to get some catch-up time with friends or talk on the phone with someone from home.

Take Time for Yourself

While it’s exciting to reunite with friends and be back on campus, it can also be super overwhelming. Self-care is vital, especially during a chaotic time of the year, therefore taking me-time is a must. Do a face mask, binge-watch Queer Eye or meditate—whatever you need to relax and refresh.

Get Outside Your Comfort Zone

Is there a cool club you have always wanted to join? Food at the dining hall you have always wanted to try? Afraid to sit in the front row of the classroom? There is no better time than the present. Before school gets too hectic, write down a list of several activities you have been eyeing to try but were too scared to commit to doing. If it’s an activity or club you’ve wanted to pursue, research ahead of time on their social media and websites so you have an idea of what to expect. Take chances, the worst that can happen is that you don’t try it again!

Establish A Workout Out Routine

This is another great way to provide structure in your schedule. Finding time during the day to work out can help relieve academic stress while also getting fantastic effects from post-workout endorphins. There are so many get ways to get your body moving, so find out what works best for you and structure your day around it. 

Bonus: This is another great way to get outside.

Remember, a brand-new school year means a fresh start. Whether you want to make a fresh start for yourself or capitalize on a previous amazing year, the beginning of the school year is a great time to do so! Don’t forget that college is only four years, so make the best of it!

Kelly Biladeau

Notre Dame '21

My name is Kelly and I'm a junior marketing major and sociology minor at the University of Notre Dame. You can find me either running/biking outside or curled up with my dog watching a musical inside.