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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

For the Knit Wit: Arm Knit Blanket

Grab yourself a bunch of chunky yarn, watch or read one of the many online arm knitting tutorials, and soon you’ll have yourself a gift that your friend will love. Who doesn’t need a big, comfy blanket for their dorm room during these cold winter months? And the best part is, it doesn’t take too long to make! If you’re not already a knitter or don’t have time to learn with finals season approaching, an easier alternative is the no-sew throw blanket!

For the World Traveler: Spring Break Piggy Bank

If your friend loves traveling, what better gift to give them than a spring break piggy bank? Grab a map, cut it into strips, and mod podge it onto a mason jar. It’s easy and cheap and sure to make your friend excited about their upcoming travels. Not everyone uses cash, so if your friend is always swapping funds on Venmo, alter this gift just a little and make it into a spring break memory jar! Encourage your friend to put little trinkets and photos into the jar to remember the fun from their trip. For an easier alternative, go buy a map of your friend’s favorite travel spot and a cardboard letter and mod podge them together for a fun and personalized room decoration.

For the Caffeine Addict: Monogrammed Mug

Grab yourself some sharpies, tape or a letter sticker, and a mug and start drawing dots. For some extra fun, take a run to Starbucks and pick up their favorite coffee and some gourmet snacks to put inside. The only tricky part with this DIY is making sure you use the right kind of sharpie so that the design won’t wash off in the dishwasher. Check out this link to find out more! For an easier alternative, buy a cute mug (LaFun Starbucks takes flex points!) and fill it with gift cards, K-cups, or little treats!

For the Baking Bestie: Hot Cocoa Kit

There are so many fun ways to package and present this one! You can make them look like reindeer or snowmen (or, if you’re really creative, something entirely different). Not only do they look super cute to give to your friend, they make a tasty treat as well, perfect for late night study sessions this finals season! For an easier alternative, buy a pre-packaged hot chocolate kit, some plastic spoons, and various hot chocolate toppings (peppermint pieces, mini marshmallows, chocolate, and caramel). Melt the chocolate and caramel, dip the tips of the spoons in it, sprinkle with different toppings and let cool to have some super cool and simple hot cocoa dipping spoons

For the Stressed Out Student: DIY Spa Kit

This one’s a good bet for any friend because, I mean, who doesn’t need a spa day? Put together some exfoliating scrubs, a little lip balm, and fun peppermint shower melts. If you need more inspiration, Pinterest is teeming with ideas on DIY spa day products, so definitely check them out! If you don’t have time to make this stuff yourself, make a gift basket with fun Marshall’s or TJ Maxx spa and beauty products and add a Bath and Body Works gift card for a quicker alternative!

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Photos: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Tori Smith

Notre Dame '21

A political science and history major at ND, Tori loves board games, home games, and binge-watching The Great British Baking Show. When she's not writing listicles or trying to thrift together her wardrobe, you can find her planning events for Notre Dame's chapter of Her Campus and researching for her senior history thesis on Native American residential boarding schools.