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4 Ways to Kick Butt on National Kick Butt Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

If  you’re anything like I used to be, you might be rolling your eyes right now and think: another random national holiday day? I agree, sometimes celebrating random holidays is bizarre and unnecessary. However, there are certain national holidays that have helped me approach my week in a more positive light. And this Monday, you have the chance to kick start your week with National Kick Butt Day. 

So sit back, relax and follow these 4 tips on how to make the most of your monday.   

Have something to look forward to in the morning

Whether it be making overnight oats or scheduling a small coffee date with your friend, plan ahead! As the weather gets colder, it will inevitably get harder to pull yourself out of bed to start the day. Having simple, motivational things sprinkled within your daily schedule can drastically change the way you plow through your day. 

Utilize google calendar and put reminders in!

Not everyone likes to micromanage or plan their day in advance —and that’s okay! But using an app to roughly map out the things that you need to do will help you keep track of your day, while also giving you small bursts of happiness as you complete your work. Google Calendar has a feature called Tasks that will actually send you notifications for the things that you put in the system. Personally I put in even the simplest things like “do laundry” or “eat a snack” to keep myself in check throughout my day. Plus, it also lets you cross off tasks as you complete them, and who doesn’t like checking things off a list? 

Drink coffee strategically

I am not encouraging anyone to drink caffeine to be productive. That being said, if you believe that coffee is a necessity in a college student’s daily schedule, I recommend drinking it to your advantage. Coffee takes roughly 45 minutes to reach peak caffeine concentration, so if you know you have a chunk of your day set aside for studying, make sure you’re drinking that coffee before, and not during, to avoid falling asleep. 

Know your study habits! 

There are a variety of different study methods that have been proven to be effective, but there is only one method that will work for you. Make sure you are designing your schedule around your habits so that you have realistic expectations for what you can accomplish. If you are not yet sure what your study method is, I recommend starting out with the Pomodoro technique. Make sure to continue assessing yourself as you test out different approaches to studying. 

Julia Kim

Notre Dame '24

Julia is a student at the University of Notre Dame's Mendoza College of Business. Having been on her high school's newspaper team all four years, she's formed her best memories, friends, and skills from writing. She loves to work out and can often be found watching Masterchef.