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20 Times Christmas Movies Were The Best Thing That Ever Happened To You

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

It’s everyone’s favorite time of year. Finals are just about over, and there is nothing more in between us and family, far too many holiday cookies, present exchanges and sitting on the couch watching hours and hours of Christmas movies.

What could possibly be better than a good movie that captures people in the best mood at the best time of year? Maybe it is just me, but Christmas movies are simply the greatest movies of all time. To get you in the holiday spirit, here are 20 times when Christmas movies were the best thing that has ever happened to you.

Love Actually


Starting off strong with Love Actually, wherein every single British actor you have ever cared about got together and created a Christmas, rom-com spectacular. And who can forget Billy Mack with “Christmas is All Around”?


I think everyone’s heart melted when this little guy spilled his heart out to his stepdad, Liam Neeson.


And then he did it again! This time you couldn’t help but audibly cry at how cute he was.


Also, let’s not forget how heart-warming Liam Neeson is as a dad.


And who could ever possibly forget this scene, that we all probably watched with a lovestruck expression on our faces.


Oh, and how can we leave out when Colin Firth butchers Portuguese to profess his love to Aurelia and his expression when she says yes?


Did I mention that Hugh Grant is in this movie?


And that he has one of the cutest Christmas kisses of all time?



Moving on to another one of the most iconic movies of the holidays- Elf. Who could ever forget this opening moment when the happy narwal appears?


Watching Buddy enjoy all the simple pleasures of modern day society always will bring out a smile.


Then he gave us all something to sing about.


And who was not so ready for Christmas when Buddy came up with literally the perfect day.

A Christmas Story


When this kid complains in his whiny voice, everyone with a younger sibling on the face of the Earth couldn’t help but laugh at the accuracy.


The first time we all saw Ralphie walk down in his bunny suit was probably one of the funniest things we’ve seen. Bad presents are a part of the holidays that we all secretly love.


And who didn’t feel so warm and fuzzy inside when they saw Ralphie’s house decorated and glowing against the winter night’s snow?

National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation


Remember when Clark finally gets his house lit up in one of the funniest Christmas movies of all time?


Let’s not forget when an extra guest showed up to their family Christmas.


Nothing is more fun to laugh about or brings people together at Christmas better than unwanted relatives that everyone else has to pretend to enjoy spending time with. That’s why we all love Cousin Eddie from Christmas Vacation. He is the perfect outlet to help us control ourselves.

Polar Express


Nothing made us want to go back in time more than when the little boy found his Christmas spirit in Polar Express.

The Santa Clause


Or when Sam and his mom both find the Christmas spirit in The Santa Clause. This one always has me wondering if he really is real- and what could be a better feeling?

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All gifs courtesy of giphy.com

Kelly is a student at the University of Notre Dame studying marketing and journalism, originally hailing from the great city of Holland, Michigan. Kelly's academic and political interests focus in one gender inequality and wage inequality. Her future career interests, whether writing or marketing, are focused in the fashion and beauty industries. Kelly has worked with companies such as philosophy, which promote using the beauty industry as a means of empowerment, which she believes to be a very important lesson. For fun, Kelly finds her peace on the yoga mat and running the beach or the woods. She loves the outdoors and traveling, having already been to 8 countries. Along with writing, she lovs to sing, a performer on stage and most definitely in the shower. Kelly also is actively involved in event planning, another passion of hers. And above all she loves ice cream, pizza, her friends, and her two dogs.