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12 Down 32 to Go: Minnesota Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.


Minnesotans filled all three levels of the state’s capitol on Monday while awaiting the news that the bill was passed.


At 5:00 pm this evening, Minnesota governor Mark Dayton proudly signed a marriage equality bill on the steps of the State’s capitol where he stated, “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness should certainly include the right to marry the person you love.” Watching him was a crowd so passionate about their right to marry that they were willing to stand in the oddly blistering 90-degree weather.

On Monday May 13, Minnesota’s state Senate passed the Freedom to Marry Bill by a vote of 37 to 30. The bill will take effect on August 1, making Minnesota the twelfth state to legalize gay marriage.

The fact that the bill passed in Minnesota says a lot about how quickly people’s opinions are changing. Just two years ago, the state’s legislature decided to include a gay marriage ban on the ballot in 2012. Thankfully, the majority of Minnesotans voted against the ban, and now, just six months later, The North Star State has become the first in the Midwest to legalize same-sex marriage. This milestone is also coming from the state that brought you the infamous Michelle Bachmann, who, being known for her strong anti-gay opinions, has gone so far as to compare gays and lesbians to Satan.

What does this mean for the big picture? We will just have to wait to find out. The Supreme Court is not expected to make their decision on DOMA and Prop. 8 until June, but for now, Minnesotans can take pride in and celebrate the fact that they have reached a milestone in the long-debated issue of same-sex marriage.



Julia is a junior IT Management major from Minneapolis. When she isn't making spreadsheets in Excel, Julia can usually be found perusing antique shops, redecorating her dorm room, or speaking with a beautiful Minnesotan accent.
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Katie Fusco

Notre Dame

A senior English and American Studies double major at the University of Notre Dame, Katie is passionate about media, education, and public history.