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10 Reasons Why I’m Still Obsessed with Pretty Little Liars

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Pretty Little Liars was all the rage when it first aired in 2010, and I know a lot of people have gradually lost interest in the show, but I am still a fan… and by fan I mean obsessed. I LOVE it, and for good reasons, I swear. Such good reasons that I have chosen to share them with you today. The show is the bomb.com-double-click-it, so you SHOULD have kept up, but if not I won’t let any huge spoilers out.

1.  A

A is a super enticing character. Since the beginning A has kept me watching. A is clever and conniving—the perfect villain. The identity has changed several times and part of the fun is trying to figure out who it is. A is aloof to the point where I am left to my own imagination, which I like. It will be interesting to see how they tie together all of the As on the summer finale (which I will def be tuned into). 

2.  The Plot

I like a show that makes me think, and this one constantly makes me analyze and hypothesize at every turn. I know it sometimes gets confusing with the multitude of subplots, but I’ve been able to overlook that. It may be frustrating and stressful and upsetting at times, but I guess it will be worth it by the end… I mean they have to reveal A then… Right?

3.  Spencer Hastings

This is a bit biased, but Spencer is my homegirl. I freaking love her. I definitely relate to her best as the perfectionist type. She’s intelligent and witty and a bit cynical, which are all things I appreciate. And her preppy wardrobe? #goals

4.  Aria, Hannah, Spencer and Emily

The other three girls are also pretty chill. They have what I call “The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants effect.” Four girls who are very different but very compatible and stick with each other regardless (except for the occasional tiff here and there). I could only ever hope to find a perfectly sized group of girlfriends who understand me and would kill A for me. Ahh, maybe one day.

5.  Rosewood

Growing up in a suburb I love the fact that the setting is actually somewhere pretty ordinary. The town is a bit nicer than average, but not some edgy city that I am not cool enough for. There is just the right amount of creepiness (Hello, Radley Sanitarium) to keep it alluring though. The mixture between white picket fences and murder is definitely intriguing.

6.  Alison DiLaurentis

I didn’t include her with the others because she is definitely one of a kind. The pretty pathological liar always does the unexpected. I can never decide if she’s good or evil, but I know I like her anyway. Plus the flashback scenes with Alison are some of my faves. She is just so flipping quotable!

What did she say abut dying young again…

I mean what kind of a 16 year old comes up with that?!

7.  Mona Vanderwaal

Okay, if I can’t pinpoint Ali’s personality than I sure as heck have no clue what’s going on with Mona. SPOILER ALERT. She’s been A like two or three times now? Then she’s their friend then just an ally then a victim?! She’s been alive, mentally unstable, dead and kidnapped…? END SPOILER ALERT. Overall I like having her in the show, but I don’t think I like her.

8.  The Clothes

The costume designer, Mandi Line, must be a goddess. Those girls look fly. I know their outfits are completely over the top for a typical high-schooler, but if I had the time, energy, motivation and money to dress like I was walking a runway each day, I would. Whether you’re sporty, girly, edgy or preppy, there is someone to envy on the show. And if you really like black I guess A can be your style icon.

9.  The Guys

Have mercy. I mean jeez, do they know how to cast guys or what?! Obviously Caleb, Ezra and Toby are the main crushes, but even beyond that Mike Montgomery and Jason DiLaurentis aren’t bad to look at either. It STILL doesn’t stop there though. Jake! Andrew! Travis! Jonny! Noel! Dean! I can’t forget my personal favorite, Wren, the BRITISH DOCTOR. I mean the list just goes on and on and on and on.

Sidenote: I have a theory that if you combined Ezra’s face with Caleb’s personality and Toby’s abs it would create the perfect guy.

10.  The Real Stuff

Despite all of the somewhat shallow reasons why I love me some PLL, ultimately the show does address a lot of struggles that young women face. Sexuality, drug abuse, eating disorders, bullying and depression are just a few of the major topics covered. Even though the girls look flawless, their imperfections add a level of reality to the pretty unbelievable show. I think it’s important to see characters that people admire facing serious problems.

If you aren’t watching the show, perhaps this list will encourage you to. If you got behind, have no fear, Netflix has the last five seasons. If you’re like me, I know what you’ll be doing Tuesday night.


-A (for Abby)


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Abby Piper

Notre Dame

Abby is a senior studying English, French and Journalism at the University of Notre Dame but remains obsessed with her hometown St. Louis. She loves running, water skiing, writing, watching Christmas movies all year long and The O.C.'s Seth Cohen.