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Why Do I Always Fall For Your Type?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northwestern chapter.

If you’re tall, blonde, cocky, and athletic, chances are I’d date you. My look can be spotted from a crowd in less than a second. My friends can look at a guy and tell whether I’d like him or not. In fact, my first serious boyfriend called me when I started dating my most recent ex to say that I had found his twin. Looking back on it, I actually had found his twin. Their pictures with me look like the same person, from the hair to the smile.


So why do we fall for the same type of guy? This question has always intrigued me. As I watched one of my best friends fall for guys that had clearly questionable sexuality, I wondered why she was always drawn to the emotional moody type. Talking to a boy about love or the complexity of a soul mate would draw her in. No matter how many times she was hurt, this type never changed. So when do our types change?
If you ask a person their type, chances are they will begin by saying they don’t have a certain type. However, within about a minute, all these qualities that fit every single guy they are into start pouring out. “I like nerds. Hence why I go to Northwestern,” Breanne Boyd says. A nerd specification could cover a variety of guys at this school. But, some girls are a little pickier. “I like tall guys (about a head taller), dark brown hair, blue eyes, big lips, a few beauty marks, nice teeth, lack of knowledge of any institution called a gym, likes video games, smoking, and being lazy,” said a Weinberg Junior who asked not to be identified.
Some people may say that these requirements are excessive for some girls, and they need to lower their standards. I disagree. Every guy I’ve been serious about has been between the 5’11 to 6’4 range, had shaggy blonde hair, nice teeth, a player reputation, and played a sport nonstop. In a nutshell, emotionally unavailable is golden to me. In my opinion, this is because we’re drawn to people that have the emotional qualities of our fathers. This couldn’t be farther from the truth in what I’m drawn to physically, but the guarded personality fits. Call me Freud, but there is no psychological evidence to prove why we are drawn to the same people. Yet evidence shows that this is happening everywhere!
What do girls like the most? Blondes or brunettes? Tall or short? Muscular or lean? I plan on following up on this article with a survey that tells the preferences for Northwestern girls in general. For some girls, a simple thing like hair color can make it or break it. Psychological studies even show that physical appearance is the most important characteristic in a mate for men and women. “If you are a blonde, don’t even try with me,” said Sarah Brock. “My type’s broken down into looks (tall, brunette, thin), and personality (goofy, fun). They are also preferably Jewish and have a nice smile.” In fact, tall, brunette, and lanky was the preferred type of several people I interviewed. Is this what Northwestern girls want?
For now, I recommend staying with your type if you have had good experiences. But, if you are ending up in unhealthy relationships, change your type immediately! This won’t be overnight, but when you see yourself falling for a guy that seems far too similar to an ex, you should reevaluate the situation and possibly run. When you play with fire, you’re bound to end up burned. For example, jealous guys can be hot. But do you want your future with someone that has abusive tendencies or anger problems? Probably not. Do you like guys that leave their girlfriends for you? You may feel special now, but you won’t when they leave you for somebody else also. Do you like bad boys because they’re a thrill? Chances are that you won’t want your boyfriend to be in jail 5 years from now.  However, having a type isn’t always a bad thing. In fact, every girl should know exactly what she wants and settle for nothing less. Figure out what you want and need in a relationship, and look for someone who fits your essential criteria – whether they’re your typical type or not. If they do fit in with your type, well, Drake and Jamie Foxx always fall for the same type too. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9fUYcxP1UA)
Photo from Abercrombie & Fitch.

Monica is a sophomore at Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism. She spent her early years growing up in a small town in Minnesota, but spent the last half of her life in Seoul, South Korea where she developed a city girl love for good food finds and fashion. Journalism has been a major part of her life, but she can also be found relaxing with a cup of coffee, watching movies, and spending time with loved ones. Though she has a tough exterior, Monica is actually a romantic who loves the power of words, the importance of strength in any endeavor, and who always wears her heart on her sleeve.