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The Totally Relatable World of “The Mindy Project”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northwestern chapter.


The Totally Relatable World of “The Mindy Project”

Have you ever wanted to publicly announce how you really feel about your ex-boyfriend? Do you believe that losing five pounds would turn your life into a romantic comedy?  Do you struggle trying to balance a demanding workload and some semblance of a social life? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you have a lot in common with Mindy Kaling and her new character in “The Mindy Project.” Kaling plays Dr. Mindy Kahiri, a perpetually single OB/GYN.  Her smarts make her a bit of a nerd, but she still frets over finding the perfect first date outfit.This is one of the reasons “The Mindy Project” is so relatable, especially for Northwestern collegiettes™. Kaling presents a realistic character you could imagine grabbing coffee with after a chem lab.

“Every episode of ‘The Mindy Project’ seems like something out of my life,” said sophomore Marianna Cooper. “This week’s episode about Halloween costumes was spot on.” This week, Mindy tackled the eternal Halloween problem: Why does a girl have to choose a costume that’s either over-the-top sexy or funny? She even considers “cutting a cleavage hole in her crayon costume.”

Besides her smarts and hilarious struggles, Kaling brings another relatable aspect to primetime, her looks. Kaling is gorgeous, but it’s always refreshing to see someone who isn’t a blonde, size 2 in a leading role. You root for Mindy in the show, and it’s actually believable  when she struggles to find an outfit that looks great on her for a first date.

It should also be noted that Kaling, who got her start writing for the NBC hit “The Office”, writes, produces and stars in the show.  In the male-dominated world of comedy writing and producing, this is truly a gift. With other hits like “30 Rock” and “Parks and Recreation” thriving this season, it seems America finally wants comedy about women to be written by someone who actually knows how a tampon works or what an eyelash curler is. Women are just as funny as men, and Kaling is another hilarious step in total female comedy primetime domination.

Fox has picked up “The Mindy Project” for a full season, and it airs on Tuesdays at 9:30/ 8:30c.   With its hilarious supporting cast and unique dialogue, it is definitely a new must-watch show for collegiettes™ everywhere.

“That show is my life,” said sophomore Kaela Walker. “I feel like I’m watching myself on screen with the jokes she makes and all her hilarious failures.”