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Stef on Sex: NU So Springtime Scandalous

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northwestern chapter.

Let’s face it. NU’s social scene is not why we go here. NU’s dating scene is definitely not why we go here. Most of us spend a hefty chunk of the year behind furry hoods and heavy scarves staring at the ice-covered ground as we scuffle from class to class.

And then, one day it’s 80 degrees. And you’re enjoying the sunshine for 15 minutes until you realize you’re sweating in your adorable sundress you just pulled out from underneath your bed, hoping spring is finally here. It’s bittersweet when it starts pouring to cool you down and you fantasize about that Notebook kiss actually happening in your own life.

But, our scandalously sexy lives never quite manifest in that April showers run-jump-kiss sequence. However, we are blessed with an entire Sex Week to make up for it.

Here are my top picks for events to attend this week (and of course, as always, my endless commentary)

Monday at 8:00 PM – Swift 107 

I attended this event last year with a dear friend who also wanted to know who on earth would publically attend such an event. The workshop leader was low on the meter of sexual-enticement, an automatic blow to her credibility. However, she had a blend of obvious and useful information that almost made attending worthwhile. What really made the 45 minutes of life worthwhile was watching awkward skinny boys attempt pick-up lines, seeing what this woman had to say, and people-watching who attended.

For future years, Go for the people-watching. Report back the laughables. But respect the honest efforts of self-improvement made by those earnestly attending.

Tuesday, 4:00 PM – Tech Auditorium

There is a guy named Theo Greene who is getting a doctorate in Urban Sexuality, so he’s sharing some insight with students.  The Sex Week website claims he’ll put the ‘ahhh’ in Chicago, so I give them clever points. I’m also slightly curious. I will also be in class at this time, so if you go, let me know if Theo is a cutie or creepster and if I actually want to go to parts of town and meet people who are also looking to find/have/see sex in Chicago. Given my past comments, they probably aren’t my ideal companions. Theo, are you looking for a research assistant? I’d be interested in that, at least.

Thursday, Tech LR3 – 6 PM

She should write this column, not me. Teen mom turned former Planned Parenthood President/CEO. She wouldn’t get along with the state of Texas. Her bio has all of my journalismbuzzwords: HuffPo, Vanity Fair, Glamour. Jeez, woman. No more comments – See you there.

Also, two boys recently told me they read my column for advice. So I asked a few more guy friends what they want from girls in springtime and here is my advice chart for springtime birds and bees of humanity.

Boys overwhelmingly said they like girls who wear flowery, flouncy, short-but-not-skanky skirts paired with cute accessories like flowers in the hair, dainty sandals, or cute sunglasses. My image is sort of classy prepster meets flower-child.

Girls said they want to be taken outside during the day to soak up the sun. A picnic or a walk or beachtime would all be great starters. Play guitar outside, ride bikes, show Later, you can move to laying in the grass

Take this advice from my friends. It was posted at my discretion, so I agree with it. 

Photo from: http://www.glamour.com/sex-love-life/about/romance

I write Stef on Sex. It's silly and fun and I like it. ;-)
Monica is a sophomore at Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism. She spent her early years growing up in a small town in Minnesota, but spent the last half of her life in Seoul, South Korea where she developed a city girl love for good food finds and fashion. Journalism has been a major part of her life, but she can also be found relaxing with a cup of coffee, watching movies, and spending time with loved ones. Though she has a tough exterior, Monica is actually a romantic who loves the power of words, the importance of strength in any endeavor, and who always wears her heart on her sleeve.