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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northwestern chapter.

Although today was snowing and the wind chill made it seem the groundhog was wrong this year, fear not! Before you know it, the weather will actually cooperate and it will finally start to feel like spring. Spring quarter at Northwestern is easily my favorite quarter, given there are so many things to look forward to! Here are some of the best events and things to enjoy during spring quarter.


1) The Lakefill!

Given the weather, the lakefill is the perfect place to enjoy a spring day. Whether you want to lie down and enjoy the sun, or read a book while looking at the Chicago skyline, the lakefill in springtime will never let you down.


 2) A&O Ball

Head on down to the Riv and enjoy an amazing concert put on by A&O. From T-Pain to Chromeo, this spring concert never fails to disappoint, and gives you a reason to go and explore downtown.


3) The Kentucky Derby

Whip out your dresses (or ratchet clothes) and hop on a 6-hour bus ride to the Kentucky Derby. This weekend can potentially be one of the longest 30 hours of your life, but definitely worth it. Most people never actually see a horse the entire weekend, but who knows- maybe you will!


4) The Beach

Did you know that Northwestern is one of few schools that actually has a beach on campus? Don’t pass up this opportunity to play a little pick up soccer or soak up the sun on one of our two beautiful beaches on campus.



With springtime comes the best day of the year at Northwestern, DILLO DAY! Get ready to wake up at 6:30am and have a jam-packed day full of music, food, and wandering the streets of Evanston. Even though last year it was cancelled due to rain, that means it will only be even better this year! They’ve even started to begin announcing the lineup, so things are only looking up from here.


Get ready for an incredible spring Northwestern!