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Relationships and Facebook By Bro Blogger Mike Mallazzo

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northwestern chapter.

 Fine Northwestern Collegiettes™, 

            I write this appeal pleading with you to never use Facebook as a tool to begin or enhance a budding romantic relationship.  Facebook is the final frontier upon which creepy guys and dirtbag bros can continue to prey on naïve girls and overcompensate for their lack of ability to communicate in person.  Using Facebook to try and lure men will inevitably make you end up with this guy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zteZXFyZdQ0&ob=av3e and this bro blogger would certainly not wish this fate on anyone.     

Facebook has two primary uses for college students and neither is related to relationships:

1)      To make it possible to survive an eighty-minute lecture on statistical methods in the social sciences

2)      To feel better about yourself after looking at all the people that went to your high school and realizing that you are not pregnant/burnt out/ still in your crappy hometown/a total failure at life.  

If you would like to score a strapping and chivalrous young lad or at least one that isn’t forty years old and living in his mom’s basement, put away the computer and cell phone and go out into the real world.  Unless you’d like to meet the guy that failed his Jersey Shore audition, flirt with boys that you can actually see and talk to.   In a nutshell, using Facebook to start a relationship is right behind drinking Four Loko on the list of things you should never do.  
‘Til Next Time,

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Casey Geraldo


Casey Geraldo is a junior at Northwestern University. She is journalism major, with a broadcast concentration, and a history minor.Casey coaches gymnastics, and in her spare time, she is usually babysitting, watching TV, eating candy and ice cream or spending time with the people she loves.Follow Casey on Twitter! @caseygeraldo