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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northwestern chapter.

With the beginning of a new school year, we all get a fresh start: new classes, a new home, new ambitions and new responsibilities. With the opportunity to hit the reset button, everyone can really benefit from setting some new goals and committing to stick to them! With a couple of motivational aspirations written down on your desk, by your bed or on your planner, you’ll never forget what you really set out to do this year.

Don’t know what your objectives should be? Check out some of the Her Campus Northwestern squad’s goals are for fall quarter!

“I really want to find a lasting connection with someone other than my best friends this year. Maybe not “soulmate” status, but someone I have fun with and that will make the NU experience a little more complete. Raising my GPA is also a great thing that I would like to happen.” –Alani Vargas


“My goal for this year is to try to balance everything equally: academics, extracurriculars, and social life.” –Becca Koch


“My goal for this quarter is to spend more time reading for my own personal enjoyment, even though it’s really hard to find time in the midst of crazy class schedules.” –Haley Smith


“I want to get involved with more organizations on campus.” –Ariana Brockington


“I want to be healthier by making more time for myself! I tend to overbook and spread myself thin. I need to stop and take some time to do yoga, sleep, read… all the things I can’t do when I’m so busy!” –Manon Blackman


“This year, I want to put my health first, both mentally and physically. Last year, when I trained for my first half marathon, I was the healthiest–and happiest–I have ever been. When I put my health first, take care of myself, and let myself breathe, I do my best work. I know this year is going to be my toughest yet with the pressure of finding a job, so I’m challenging myself to give my mind and body the same time and effort I give to my cover letters!” –Alyssa Raiola


“I would say my biggest goal this year is to do the things I was afraid to do freshman year. As a freshman, I was definitely completely overwhelmed at the beginning of the year. Now, as a sophomore, I already feel 100 times more comfortable at NU, and in my own skin. I am excited to not like freshman anxiety hold me back.” –Jamie Schmid


“My goal is to get coffee or a meal with my friends that are not in my sorority at least once a week. Last year, meeting up for dinner or lunch at Sargent or Allison was easy. Now that I’m in a sorority house and eat every meal with the girls in my sorority, it’s much harder to meet up with old friends. So my goal is to set time apart each week to catch up with old friends!” –Grace Choi