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Oh-Natur-Al: Beauty Tips Straight from the Supermarket

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northwestern chapter.


With our stressful and jam-packed schedules it’s easy to fall back on the same beauty products we’ve always used. And these products are often expensive. Instead of buying pricey products, go the natural route and use items you already have laying around, or can easily pick up at the grocery store. On your next study break or girls night, try out these DIY beauty tips. It’s a fresh way to enhance your look and save money at the same time!

1. Olive Oil

Homer once called olive oil “liquid gold,” and that seems to be the case. You can use this kitchen staple in so many different ways and still have come leftover for dorm room baking or apartment dinners.


  • Rub a little olive oil on dry areas of your body such as your knees and elbows right after you get out of the shower for an intense moisturizer
  • Mix some olive oil and sugar for a fresh new body scrub
  • Soak your fingernails in a warm cup of olive oil for 30 minutes to help dry nails and cuticles


  • Heat up olive oil and massage it into your hair. Leave it in for 30 minutes before taking a shower. This will help with dryness and split ends


  • Add a few drops a cotton ball and use it as makeup remover


2. Chocolate

Who doesn’t love chocolate? It’s always there for us for a late night study craving, a bad breakup, or just as a sweet treat. Smell great and look good with these cocoa flavored beauty tips!


  • Mix together 4 tablespoons sugar, 2 tablespoon cocoa powder, and 2 tablespoons of any oil for a fun chocolate body scrub.


  • Treat yourself to a Hershey-Park-esque spa experience with a chocolate facial mask! 
Combine 1/3 cup of dark cocoa powder, 1/4 cup organic honey, 3 tablespoons of heavy cream, 2 tablespoons of powdered oatmeal and leave it on your face for 15 minutes.


  • Keep your hair silky smooth with a chocolate and coconut milk conditioner. Combine ¾ c coconut cream 
1/3 c cocoa powder.

3. Honey

Aside from being the perfect flavor kick for your tea or yogurt, this sticky goodness can be your newest beauty tool! (Just make sure you use 100 percent raw honey)


  • Combine honey 1teaspoon honey with 1 tablespoon of grits (a little taste of home from anyone from the South!) with a drop of any flavored oil for a potent and exfoliating body scrub.


  • Cover a lemon half with honey and rub it on your face to get rid of blackheads.
  • Spread a thin layer of raw honey on your face for added moisture.


  • Combine 1 tablespoon honey with 3 tablespoon olive oil for a moisturizing hair mask. Get your hair completely wet than rub on the mask for 30 minutes and wash and shampoo as normal after.

4. Berries

Strawberries are a yummy reminder of summer time and days spent outdoors. But this fall and winter you can use strawberries in a whole new way.


  • Lightly rub a strawberry over your teeth as you brush them! Strawberries have malic acid which will actually help your teeth look whiter.


  • Make a homemade lip stain out of blackberries, raspberries, pomegranate seeds, and olive oil! Follow the recipe here: http://thebeautydepartment.com/2012/05/kitchen-beautician-homemade-lip-stain/
  • Make a facial mask by combining 2 TBSP Honey, Juice of 1 Small Lemon, 1/4 Cup Yogurt, 1/4 cup Mashed Strawberries. (Also doubles as a delicious snack)
  • Combine 2-4 strawberries, 1/4 cup of beet powder, 1/2 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil for a homemade blush.