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Megan’s Menu: Scones

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northwestern chapter.

Scones. The perfect breakfast item for a special occasion, or just because it’s been a while. Or maybe you prefer them with your afternoon tea in an attempt to act like our neighbors across the Atlantic – who doesn’t want to be Kate Middleton? 

Either way, these fluffy, airless delights have always fascinated me. I have tried to create them a few times before, but alas! The scones that came out of the oven were nothing compared to the grandeur of the perfect triangular delicacies evenly spotted with flavorful ingredients displayed in the cases of Starbucks shops across the nation. I can’t help but wonder why it is that the cooking gods refuse to grant me the consistency that Starbucks has from California to Texas to New York.
So, what drew me to experiment with these little buggers was my desire to prove that I, a hobby driven from-scratch baker, can master the art of scones better than a national chain franchise that gets them delivered daily.
In my own mind (and according to my taste buds), my latest trial did not prove to obliterate my ‘competition,’ but I was able to take a step in the right direction – I now have a framework for my next experimentation and a few modifications in the works. And even though the score may be Starbucks: 1; Me; 0; these scones are light, fresh, easy to whip up and – let’s face it – most likely healthier than that enticing scone calling you from behind the display case.
2 Cups Flour
4 teaspoons Baking Powder
¾ teaspoon Salt
1/3 Cup Sugar
4 Tablespoons Butter
2 Tablespoons Shortening
¾ Cup Cream (I usually use non-fat milk)
1 Egg
Desired Fillings – (I suggest a handful of Cranberries, 2 teaspoons Cinnamon, and a handful of White Chocolate Chips)
1.      Heat the oven to 375 degrees.
2.      Combine the flour, baking powder, salt and sugar together in a large bowl. Cut in butter and                   shortening, and set aside.
3.      In a separate bowl, mix together the egg (beaten), with cream.
4.      Add the egg mixture to the dry ingredients, until blended.

5.      Stir in fillings.

6.      Turn dough onto a floured surface, roll it out and cut into medium-sized triangles.

7.      Bake for 15 minutes or until light brown on the edges.

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Casey Geraldo


Casey Geraldo is a junior at Northwestern University. She is journalism major, with a broadcast concentration, and a history minor.Casey coaches gymnastics, and in her spare time, she is usually babysitting, watching TV, eating candy and ice cream or spending time with the people she loves.Follow Casey on Twitter! @caseygeraldo