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Aaron Burden/Unsplash

Megan’s Menu: Chocolate Candy Molds

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northwestern chapter.

Halloween may be over, but that doesn’t mean the candy making and candy eating has to stop. With Thanksgiving and Christmas just around the corner, chocolate candy molds may be the answer to all your problems. Easy to make, they serve as fun and unique party favor or party snacks, while also making those stressful days a bit happier.


Melting wafers (in 1 lb measurements)
Chocolate Candy Molds (can be found on amazon.com, as well as other sites)
Lollipop Sticks
Paintbrushes (if you want details)
Plastic pouches/ribbons for gifting


Place melting wafers in a microwaveable bowl, one pound at a time.

Melt wafers on high for one minute. Take out and stir, then melt for one minute. Repeat if necessary until the chocolate wafers are melted. When ready to use, it will be thick but spreadable.

Fill chocolate candy molds with chocolate. You can either use a spoon, piping bags, or a squeeze bottle, depending on what kind of mold you have – intricate or not. Play around with colors to make the treats fun and details distinctive. Using a paintbrush for small details helps.

Insert lollipop sticks into the chocolate after you have filled the mold completely. Make sure to roll the stick so that it is completely covered and the chocolate will not fall off once it is taken out.

Once all the molds have been filled, place them in the freezer for about 10 minutes.

To remove the candies, turn the molds upside down and gently tap on a counter surface – it should drop out. Otherwise, pull the lollipop and pull the mold away gently until the candy pops out.

Wrap in plastic pouches, fasten with ribbon, if desired, for a party favor.