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How Vampires Brought Sexy Back

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northwestern chapter.

Many girls in college go through the stage of bashing all the men of our generation for not being romantic, faithful, cute or whatever  enough. So instead of continuing to search for the one nice guy in the world, girls turn to the next logical choice: vampires. Why are college women so obsessed with vampires? I really have no idea, besides the fact that TV shows and movies make them all abnormally hot guys that want to have sex and then bite your neck off…in a romantic way of course.

The moment Twilight came out, all these other barely known books got made into hit TV shows, like True Blood and The Vampire Diaries. Harry Potter who? That’s what Twi-hards all over the world are thinking. Instead of showing up to midnight premieres in wizard cloaks with wands, girls are now showing up with T-shirts of “TEAM EDWARD” or “TEAM JACOB.” Vampire is done in so many different ways right now, here are a few of our favorites…
True Blood

(Photo Credit : http://witchesbrewonline.com)

This is the X-rated version of vampire love. It’s also on HBO, which tells anybody that this show most likely involves drugs or sex. In True Blood’s case, it’s both. When I say sex, I mean SEX. This is not the kind of making love that Twilight girls swoon over. These vampires do not sparkle. They use whips and chains and kill humans in almost every episode. Scenes are brutally gory in some cases, but the main point is that every vampire ends up biting their lovers. It’s supposed to be an erotic feeling that the main character, busty blonde waitress Sookie, lives for. Now I know what a lot of girls are thinking: Bill, Sookie’s vampire lover, isn’t that hot. But, he’s mysterious and somehow gets Sookie to come back to him every time. Now, Eric, the vampire sheriff of Area Five, is the whole package. A player vampire with no feelings except for one average human girl? Every girl’s dream. Also, the new werewolf Alcide pining for Sookie is unbelievably sexy. Since he’s a werewolf, we can guess he’s all sorts of crazy in bed that the show has yet to reveal.
The show is sexy because it focuses on the wild and disapproved sex lives of vampires with humans. The whole town looks at “fang-bangers” disapprovingly, but there’s an irresistible appeal towards vampires for both girls and guys of Bon Temps. This is a show full of forbidden love. Look at these beauties and swoon.

(Photo credit:  http://www.thegoddessblogs.com)
The best part is that vampire sex isn’t just sexy; it’s kind of bizarre in a lot of cases. When Bill first sleeps with Sookie, he bites her on-screen and it’s pretty uncomfortable to watch. When Tara sleeps with a different vampire, he has sex with her at vampire speed while she basically froths at the mouth with her eyes rolled completely back. In a way, it looks like she’s suffering from a seizure instead of the rough blissful sex that she’s probably experiencing.   

The Vampire Diaries

(Photo Credit:  http://fc07.deviantart.net )

This is the fairytale version of vampire love. In this town, everyone is beautiful and pretty vampires are starting to pop up everywhere at this small high school. Deciding which homecoming dress is just as important as stopping a hybrid army of vampire-werewolves from taking over the world. The show centers on jaw-dropping Elena, played by Nina Dobrev, and her love triangle with the two sexy Salvatore vampire brothers. There’s also a hot evil vampire thrown into the mix as well. On this show, each vampire becomes more appealing when the evil side comes out. At the beginning of the show, Stefan was somewhat boring as the good vampire who only drank animal blood. But, Stefan as the “Ripper” of all vampires, is incredibly sexy. Sex in this show is never seen because it’s on The CW, but it’s certainly implied in many scenes, such as Damon and his reporter sex slave in the bathtub. This show’s plot is constantly surprising and keeps viewers riveted every single Thursday. It’s appealing because it has multiple love stories that focus on the emotions of the characters instead of the simple physical attraction between them. It’s also very diverse with witches, werewolves, hybrids, vampires, and humans all becoming involved romantically with one another.

(Photo Credit http://paulwesleyfans.com)


(Photo Credit:http://boxofficemojo.com )

This is the Disney version of vampire drama. In this world, vampires sparkle and have beautiful hypnotizing eyes. This whole family is vegetarian drinking animal blood, which makes them a little too safe to be sexy in my opinion. Kristin Stewart plays Bella Swan, a high-school girl that magically falls in love with a vampire because her smell is irresistible to him. The weirdest part is the fact that this family has never aged yet NO ONE seems to notice. In my opinion, this is the most unrealistic characterization of vampires ever, but it’s incredibly successful because it focuses on the fairytale romance of an average girl being swept off her feet by Prince Charming. Robert Pattinson isn’t the typical Prince Charming, but his beauty is undeniable. In fact, the newest Breaking Dawn: Part One just made $139.5 million opening weekend. This movie drew a lot of attention by the media because of the anticipated sex scene between Bella and Edward. The initial scene was apparently re-cut because it earned the movie an R rating. Was the scene all everyone hoped for? Did I mention Bella Swan is having a vampire-human baby that’s eating her alive? Twilight fans around the world will have to wonder how Breaking Dawn: Part Two turns out with Bella as a vampire. The Twilight series is becoming more scandalous and adult, which could expand their audience to an older crowd, but will definitely keep us going back for more.

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Casey Geraldo


Casey Geraldo is a junior at Northwestern University. She is journalism major, with a broadcast concentration, and a history minor.Casey coaches gymnastics, and in her spare time, she is usually babysitting, watching TV, eating candy and ice cream or spending time with the people she loves.Follow Casey on Twitter! @caseygeraldo