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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northwestern chapter.

Welcome to the Bro Blog! Ever wonder what turns a guy off? Our Bro Bloggers have the answer for you! Check them all out and enjoy:)

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J.P. Bowgen
Mike Mallazzo
Northwestern Guy


Before getting into specific turn-offs, girls need to remember that each guy has different likes and dislikes—no one guy is the same as another. What turns this one off may turn on that one, so there is no hard and fast rule to how a girl should act or dress. But there are some universal rules that girls should follow to keep a guy around.

Rule #1: clinginess is a no-no. While guys may like the attention, there comes a point where it is too much to handle. The game is no longer fun when a guy knows he can have “it” whenever he wants it. My advice: be subtle. Give the guy something to chase and he will keep coming back. Maybe act sassy every now and then. Guys have a knack for dishing it out but not taking it, especially from a girl. It’s intriguing when a little attitude is thrown into the mix.

Rule #2: never act like you’re smarter than him. Now, I’m not saying that a girl should act stupid. Be yourself, but don’t act like you know it all. Guys have low self-esteem when it comes to intellectual matters. When told they’re wrong, they often don’t know how to handle it. This will ultimately turn him away from conversation and away from you.

Rule #3 plays directly off rule two: don’t act like a ditz. While it may result in laughter, too many “blonde moments” can be a serious turn-off. No one wants to think they are talking to a stump, so a coherent conversation is a must—at least at Northwestern.

Rule #4: put effort into your appearance. This applies to relationships at all levels. Guys will always appreciate when you look nice. Looking like you just got out of bed is a definite turnoff. It sounds superficial, but guys want to have something nice to look at.

Rule #5: keep personal issues to yourself, at least at the start. No guy wants to get an earful of complaints and dislikes. That immediately ruins the mood and it is hard to recover from such a sour note. If you’re lucky and the relationship continues past the “turn-ons/turn-offs” stage, then try your luck. At that point, you’ll know he accepts you and respects you enough to want to help. But remember that too much of anything is bad. So while you can divulge less-than-thrilling information, realize that repeatedly venting can get tiring for both sides.

These five rules apply to all guy-girl interactions. Some guys have different tastes than others, so smaller things could potentially be turn-offs.

Me, personally? I think a little sass is necessary. When a girl is nice all the time, things get boring. Niceness is good to a certain extent, but it becomes a big turn-off after a while. If a girl doesn’t have nice hair…TURN-OFF! Every guy has at least one thing that turns him off. Some may seem shallow, but it’s all personal preference.

Just keep in mind these five universal rules. Follow them, and you shouldn’t have any problems hooking a guy. He’ll want to stick around when the ratio of turn-ons to turn-offs is in his favor. And when that happens, he’ll be sure to return the favor.
Go to the next page for Mike’s bro blog!

Welcome back Ladies,

            I hope your spring break was filled with sunshine and poolside cocktails and that you are returning to the grind relaxed and with a killer tan.  With the last of my spring break mojitos sadly behind me, I’m back to my day job of dishing out masculine advice.  As I’ve spent much of the last few months telling you what turns guys on, it seems necessary that we devote this week to discussing turn-offs.  Here are five turn-offs that may come as a surprise that must be avoided at all costs if you don’t want to send the boys running for Narnia.

1) Sweat pants with writing on the ass-   These just remind me of the slut that everyone didn’t like in 7th grade that wore those heinous Juicy pants and was talked about by all of the PTA moms.  Also, generally you don’t look your best in sweat pants and the writing only draws attention when you may not want it.  You’re in college now, you’re better than these

Solution: Don’t wear them ever and donate any pairs you have to some charity ASAP though don’t be surprised if they don’t want them

2) Stupid little ankle or foot tattoos-    Often times, it is difficult to tell if these tattoos are butterflies or simply some sort of cancerous mole that a dermatologist should remove.  I have no idea why girls get these but they aren’t cute and they draw attention to one of the least glamorous parts of the human body.  If you’re going to get a tattoo, step up and get something legit and you’ll have the boys drooling

Solution: Don’t get an ankle tattoo.  

3) Being incredibly loud-    Nobody likes the girl that screams a lot and it comes off as intimidating and unattractive to a guy if you have the decibel meter of a 747 leaving the runway.  So please even after a couple of drinks, use an inside voice

Solution: If you’re prone to being that loud girl when you drink a bit, designate a friend to act as your volume control who can let you know if you’re busting eardrums

4) Unnecessary use of makeup-   No matter how much we tell you girls, some of you just refuse to believe that there are times when you are truly beautiful without makeup.  Getting all made up just to go to class or Taco Bell screams lack of self-confidence and can appear fake and unattractive 

Solution: Save the makeup for the big nights out and have some faith in your natural look.  Don’t be intimidated by made up prissy little things, you’ll get more genuine looks from guys than they will anyway

5)  Not eating on dates-    This is the worst thing on the planet after kid leashes.  Taking a girl to a nice restaurant and watching her pick at a salad or some lame chicken dish is infuriating.  We feel dumb having the time of our life stuffing our faces watching a girl sip on water and give us that look of judgment. 

Solution: Eat, drink, and be merry.  Also be adventurous with your food choices if possible. A girl that likes exotic food is mysteriously sexy.  

Plain and simple, avoid committing any of these social fouls and the future looks bright for you.  And if you must wear sweatpants with backside writing, at least make sure that you don’t have a tramp stamp showing as well. 

Stay golden girls,

Read what “Northwestern Guy” has to say about what turns him off!

What’s going on Bro Blog Groupies?  Hope you all had a fun Spring Break full of mind-altering substances and, perhaps, dabbling in promiscuity.  But maybe your attempts at promiscuity didn’t go as planned?  It happens to me, I’m talking to a girl, it appears to be going well, and then all of a sudden, she walks off, leaving me there thinking, “What the fuck just happened?”  What am I getting at here?  I’m getting at the game killer, “Turn-offs.”  Everyone has their set of turn-offs and I’m no different.  Here are my main ones:     
Being a bitch – Absolutely the #1 biggest turn-off you (ladies) could do.  I can’t stand bitchy girls.  Personality really does trump looks.  Case in point, if Kate Upton’s a total bitch I’m out of there.  Yeah I’m still going to try and have some fun, but I’ll be searching for the next one in the mean time.
Playing hard to get – This is generally what bitches do.  If you are leading me on multiple times and then fall short, I will lose interest and move on to someone else.  I got a busy life at this place.  This isn’t San Diego State where classes consist of learning how to add, to read without sounding out words, and simple-minded tasks of that nature.  No, this is Northwestern, where A students in high school go to grind out a B+ average.  I don’t have time for games.  It actually is going to burn you if you try to play games because I’m going to divide my attention towards other girls and whatever seems to be more successful is what I’ll end up going for.  “But NGB, what if she’s really special and just wants to see if you’re really interested in her.”  Yeah that’s great, but the fact that I’m willing to hang out with her in non-party settings, asking her out on dates, choosing to hang out with her over my friends means that I do think she’s special.  Playing hard to get reveals a character flaw, which is my next turn-off:
Control Freak –
Part of relationships is doing what the other person wants, but that doesn’t mean it’s only what the other person wants.  Sure I’ll go see a chick flick every once in a while, but there isn’t a chance in hell I’ll let her drag me to that every time.  Being a control freak shows insecurity because she’s unwilling to do something that isn’t her idea.  That insecurity can eventually lead to being clingy, and then the relationship begins to feel more like a job because she’s constantly calling / texting me to see what I’m up to.
Being Antisocial – Girls who are antisocial are straight up boring.  It’s not going to be a fun relationship.  If I take her to a party, I’m only going to be hanging out with her because she’s not going to want to hang out with anyone else.  Then all I’m doing for the entire night is trying to make sure she’s having a good time.  Now I don’t even want to go to parties because constantly entertaining the same person over and over again is hard. 
Bad Kissers – You’re at a party.  You spot that girl from your seminar.  You’re making successful moves, she’s into it, you start to make out…and you feel like you’re in a tongue-wrestling tournament.  I really didn’t think kissing was that hard of a concept, but there’s a decent amount of girls that don’t know what they are doing.  Kissing in a nutshell: use your lips, a little bit of tongue, err on the gentle side, and get a rhythm.  Kissing don’ts: Trying to suck my face off, using your teeth, and wrestling my tongue.  Waking up with chapped, bit up lips is not the way I want to start my day.
Those are my turn-offs.  Yeah, I got a lot, but none are too picky. You gotta look at it this way, if you’re normal, you won’t turn me off.  And I think a lot of guys would agree with me on that statement.  Anyway, time to go sit in a room and learn about stuff I don’t care about.  Enjoy the posts.

Curious who “Northwestern Guy” is? Check out his profile… maybe you can figure it out!

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Casey Geraldo


Casey Geraldo is a junior at Northwestern University. She is journalism major, with a broadcast concentration, and a history minor.Casey coaches gymnastics, and in her spare time, she is usually babysitting, watching TV, eating candy and ice cream or spending time with the people she loves.Follow Casey on Twitter! @caseygeraldo