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Casey Geraldo ’13

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northwestern chapter.

Birthday: Aug. 26th, 1991
Major: Journalism
Relationship Status: Happily taken
Her Campus Northwestern is highlighting one of our own cuties this week! 
What are you involved with at Northwestern: Her Campus Public Relations Head, teach gymnastics at Chandler-Newberger Community Center
Likes: Candy, babies, ice cream, sleeping in, singing (even though I’m not good at it), dancing, gymnastics, snuggling
Dislikes: Thunderstorms, revolving doors, too much snow or too much hotness (I don’t like any extremes basically), anything that ends in ‘erry except for strawberries
What do you love about your boyfriend: He’s super cute and he’s one of the smartest people I’ve ever met.  He’s incredibly nice to me.  He’s good at things I’m bad at and helps me be a better person.
What do you two enjoy doing together: homework, he makes me food, we go out to eat sometimes, watch Big Bang Theory and How I Met Mother together
What is your dream job: I want to be a famous freelance broadcast journalist who is also a kindergarten or preschool teacher.  I’m not sure if any of that exists, but it will when I’m done with it.
Why Her Campus Northwestern loves Casey: She’s a sweetheart with big dreams and a zest for life.  She knows what she wants and is not afraid to get it.   We’re glad she’s on our team!