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The Best Super Bowl Commercials of 2013

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northwestern chapter.

The Super Bowl is just as much about the commercials as it is about the football, right? Here are some favorites from Super Bowl XLVII.

Best Underdog Story: You can’t beat the story of the dateless nerd winning over the prom queen. Well played, Audi.



Best Inspirational:

Coca-Cola, being the marketing powerhouse that it is, is always expected to do something big. While not all of its ads met expectations this year (we want the polar bears!), this one was pretty darn touching.



Best Random:

No one’s totally sure why the song is in Spanish, but something about watching the elderly go clubbing and get spontaneous tattoos is shamelessly entertaining.



Best Tearjerker: What’s more American than horses, Fleetwood Mac, and beer? Absolutely nothing. The sentimental ad served as a break from the perpetual parade of comedic commercials.



Best Product:  

Maybe this commercial was only popular because everyone loves Wheat Thins?



Best Female Friendly:

No justification required.
