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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northwestern chapter.

It’s finally getting warmer in Chicago and the surrounding area, and many of us are looking for fun ways to get outside. Picnics are one of my favorite ways to spend time with my friends and enjoy the outdoors. Below are a few tips to help you have the best picnics ever!

1. Plan with a group of friends 

2. Purchase the perfect picnic basket  

What’s inside the picnic basket? 

  • A colorful blanket
  • Everyone brings one of their favorite Trader Joe’s treats! (Mine is the frozen chocolate-covered strawberries) 
  • A bubbly drink 
  • Card games (some of my friends and my favorites are “We’re Not Really Strangers” and “Tell Me Without Telling Me”) 
  • Pack light!

3. Wear a cute summer outfit 

(A theme of clothing for the picnic could always be fun ;)) 

  • Summer dress or skirt
  • Jort season 
  • Overalls 
  • Always a samba summer 
  • Sunglasses

4. Lay out your blanket in a scenic area 

Some places in Chicago/Evanston: 

  • Alfred Caldwell Lily Pool (hidden gem near Lincoln Park, north of the zoo) 
  • Humboldt Park  
  • Chicago Botanic Garden 
  • The Lakefill 
  • Evanston Beach 

5. Enjoy! 

Anaya Roman

Northwestern '27

Anaya Roman is from Chicago, IL. She loves having brunch dates with friends at Evanston restaurants such as Fridas.