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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northeastern chapter.

I remember my first day of school here at Northeastern like it was yesterday. I remember the anxiousness, the excitement and the fact that I was in a different country. I was admitted to Northeastern through their N.U.in program, which meant I was sent abroad along with around one third of my incoming freshman class. Though I didn’t have what one might call a “normal” start to my college experience in Dublin, Ireland, I wouldn’t have had it any other way. As my first full year at Northeastern University has come to a close, I’m reflecting back on the past year by writing about the things I wish I could have told myself. 

  • Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there.

I was so nervous about meeting new people and not knowing what to say or do. But I realized that everyone was in the same boat. Everyone was coming from different places, was in new classes, and, not to quote “High School Musical,” but we were quite literally, “all in this together.” Meeting new people can be scary, and might take some time, but know you aren’t alone and that you will find your people. 

  • It’s okay to be alone.

When I was in high school, I was constantly around people. I would go from home, where I was around my family, to classes, to hanging out with friends, and the cycle repeated over and over again. In college, there have been so many times where I was alone in classes, or I had breaks that my friends didn’t have or had to eat alone in the dining hall. The first time these things happened, I didn’t know what to do. But I got through it, and now, I enjoy the alone time when I have it. 

  • Sometimes expectations just won’t be met.

There are so many new aspects about college. New people, new places. But when you choose a school and finally set foot on campus, you see through rose colored glasses. There is no such thing as a magical place. Everything has its faults, so sometimes expectations won’t be met, leaving you disappointed. But that’s alright. Eventually, you move on from the disappointment and embrace the change for what it is. 

  • Managing assignments is a lot easier than you might think.

I remember hearing horror stories about all of the all-nighters I was going to have to pull to finish papers or assignments on time, and so far, I haven’t had to. I love using my planner and crossing out all of the assignments I’ve finished because it makes me feel like I’m really accomplishing something. Something other than just general, boring homework. Staying on top of assignments can be hard, but if you do a little bit at a time, it really makes all the difference. 

  • Stress is real; take care of yourself.

Finally, managing stress is a real issue in college. As mentioned in the last point, staying on top of assignments is hard. There might be days that are so overwhelming that you just can’t fathom doing anything, and that’s okay. Take the time for yourself. In ten years, you aren’t going to regret taking one day to feel better, but you might regret it if you don’t. Make sure to check in with yourself and make sure you’re okay. 

Breanna Adel

Northeastern '26

Breanna Adel is a second-year journalism major with a minor in Sports, Media, and Communication at Northeastern University. In her spare time she likes listening to music and spending time with friends and family.