I recently turned 20 and have since taken a lot of time to reflect on the past decade of my life. I decided to outline some goals that I want to focus on for the next decade. While turning 20 can be scary, I am hoping my twenties will be filled with new adventures and self-discovery. With change comes room to grow into the best version of yourself. I want my twenties to be a time of self-reflection and learning how to make the best decisions for my future. So, here are 10 goals I hope to accomplish within these next 10 years!
- Be confidentÂ
Confidence has always been a battle for me. Even before becoming a teenager, I often struggled with self-image and viewing myself as worthy. A lot of this had to do with the media I consumed and the people I surrounded myself with; I felt as though the content I viewed was embedded with such toxic ideals. As a woman of color, watching predominantly mainstream media consistently made me feel lesser. I am working towards cutting back on this toxic media consumption and implementing time limits for myself. I already feel myself becoming more and more confident each day. There are still days when I feel insecure and have self-deprecating thoughts, but it’s important to remind myself that confidence is something that you continue to practice.Â
- Learn to budget
As someone who tends to do a lot of online shopping and spend impulsively, one of my major goals is to learn to budget and think before I buy. Gaining financial literacy is essential as it enables people to make wise and sensible financial decisions. Understanding topics like debt management, investing, saving and budgeting helps you better negotiate the complexities of personal finance and steer clear of expensive mistakes. I have started to do this by being conscious of what I already have and making sure not to buy anything similar until the current product is worn out or finished. While I love shopping, overconsumption is detrimental to both my wallet and the world, as it produces so much unnecessary waste.Â
- Establish a better work-life balance
I am someone who tends to prioritize my academics and schoolwork over hanging out with friends and being adventurous. I have seen how big of an impact it has had on my productivity levels, and I am attempting to work on balancing the different aspects of my life. I have noticed that when I am strictly doing schoolwork, I am less focused and easily distracted. Yet, if I go on a walk or hang out with my friends first, I am able to really focus on the task at hand and get it done effectively and efficiently. Finding a good balance that lets me feel productive while still having time for my personal needs and interests is ultimately what work-life balance is all about, rather than splitting time equally between the two.
- Eat more balanced/healthy meals
Being a college student means my meals often consist of microwavable options and Uber Eats. While Trader Joe’s soup dumplings hit, they are not the healthiest. I’ve started meal prepping and cooking more of my own meals instead of eating heavily processed items that make me feel gross in the long run. Meal planning has made my life easier, particularly during busy weeks when I want to maintain my health or simply don’t want to spend time in the kitchen every day. I also struggle with a sensitive stomach, so I hope to cut back on unhealthy snacks and choose healthier options throughout the day.Â
- Cultivate meaningful friendshipsÂ
Friendship is so important to me. Within these past two years in college, I have met some of the most amazing people. I want to be able to feel supported by them and make sure they feel the same from me. I also do not want to spend time with people who drain my energy or make me feel unworthy of friendship. However, I think it is important to first understand what constitutes a good friend. It took me a while to figure what that means to me, but I now am confident that every friend in my life is genuine. I hope to continue building these friendships and to be a lot more mindful of who I chose to let into my life.Â
- Try new thingsÂ
I am a very adventurous person who loves to travel, eat new foods and change up my routine. But I have noticed I can be rigid when it comes to trying new hobbies and being active outside of what I already do in my free time. When someone asks me what my hobbies are, I don’t want to just say, “watching ‘Harry Potter’ movies and online shopping.” In this new decade, I want to rediscover my passion for dancing and become more active. Whether it’s taking a dance class or going to the gym more, I want to feel like my hobbies aren’t all sedentary activities. However, I also want to step out of my comfort zone and try things that are completely unfamiliar to me. I have always wanted to take an art class or learn how to sew. In my twenties, I hope to discover things that I never knew could bring me joy.Â
- Develop resilienceÂ
Unfortunately, a lot of my friends would label me as a pessimist. I would like to clarify that I am not a pessimist because I am a negative person — I am simply realistic. When rejection knocks on my door, I need a couple of business days to recover. I am my own biggest critic, and whenever I work hard toward something and it does not work out, I am distraught. I do consider myself to be persistent in that if I really want something, I will try everything, regardless of how long it takes. This is something I really take pride in, but I also want to be able to accept rejection more gracefully and move past it. Learning to handle setbacks is imperative in life, whether in a professional or personal setting.Â
- Define what success looks like for meÂ
I used to think that success was associated with having more money. While I want to have a comfortable lifestyle, money does not equate to success. I now view success as contentment: being content with who I am, who I surround myself with and where I am in life. Contentment is definitely difficult to achieve, but I would say I’ll know I am truly successful when I am content. Instead of constantly striving for more or comparing yourself to others, happiness comes from finding contentment and serenity in the present. It’s a mindset that requires both practice and a change in viewpoint. Success is subjective; even if my work doesn’t pay well, success for me means that I am passionate about what I do. Many people experience success by following their passions, giving back to the community or leading morally upright lives.
- Commit to lifelong learningÂ
Learning has always brought me immense joy. I embrace the idea that learning never ends. While I know that my formal educational journey will not last forever, learning is not finished once you are done with school. I have so much to learn, and I can’t wait. There are many reasons why lifelong learning is crucial, and it plays a huge role in both professional and personal development. It’s not just about gaining new information; learning is also about constantly changing, growing and improving your life. Learning not only boosts your knowledge but also increases your sense of competence and self-assurance. You demonstrate to yourself that you are capable of developing and overcoming obstacles when you acquire new knowledge.
- Be open to changeÂ
I have mixed feelings about change: sometimes it’s positive, sometimes it’s negative. No matter what, as you grow up, change is inevitable. I want to learn to accept and welcome it with open arms. Change brings new memories, people and adventures, even if at first it may seem daunting. Over the past few years, I have experienced many changes, both good and bad. I often look back and reflect on how I felt at the time and how much has shifted since the change occurred. Change is how people and societies function. Change is a significant and necessary catalyst for development, advancement and creativity on both an individual and community level. In the absence of change, society, technology and personal growth would stall and progress would cease.Â
I am so excited for this next chapter in my life. I hope that these goals can help me stay true to who I am and lay a foundation for me to learn more about myself and others. Growing up doesn’t have to be as scary as people think! It brings opportunities for self-discovery, freedom and fulfillment, all of which can be very rewarding.