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The Top 10 Best (and Most Bizarre) Tweets from Actual American Politicians

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northeastern chapter.


If you could host a dinner party and invite ANY ten people in the country, who would you pick? Beyonce? Bill Gates? Mark Zuckerberg? Tom Brady?  Tina Fey? Louic C.K.? Those are all great choices, so congrats on hosting the most interesting dinner party of the century so far… but I noticed that no politicians were on that list. Sure, you might want to invite President Obama (or, more likely, Michelle), but would you invite your Senators or Congress(wo)man? Probably not.

No need to be ashamed. There are only a few political nerds out there who would be genuinely excited to spend the night chatting up members of Congress, because let’s face it: most politicians have a reputation for being pretty dull. But you might be surprised- and a little amused- to learn that there is actually a healthy and growing collection of politicians who take to Twitter to be [sometimes unintentionally] amusing… and I’ll prove it to you with a list of the top 10 most entertaining and comically puzzling tweets that American politicians have typed in the past few years:

10.  Fun-loving former President Bill Clinton takes a selfie.

9. Congressman Anthony Weiner shamelessly self-promotes. Yes, that URL for his campaign page is the entire tweet. (Still better than when he accidentally “promoted” himself a few years ago…)

8. Governor Christie is a “cool dad.”


7.  Former Governor Mitt Romney is hip with internet lingo like “photobombed,” yo.

6. Daredevil Senator Al Franken puts his fate into his constituents’ hands by letting them decide what he should eat at a state fair.

5. Former Governor Sarah Palin is so fed up with politics that she contemplates a career as a bartender.

4. A stripper named Lynsie Lee flirts with Senator Elect Cory Booker, even after he outs himself as a Trekkie (that’s some serious game, there, pal).

3. Snarky President Obama responds to Clint Eastwood’s famously puzzling anti-Obama rant to an empty chair at the 2012 Republican National Convention.

2. Senator Chuck Grassley brings the sass in his grammatically-questionable criticism of ObamaCare’s notoriously slow website, healthcare.gov.

1. The White House makes a Mean Girls reference, and the internet goes wild.

Bonus Round (featuring some of Senator Grassley’s notorious butt-tweets):

(No, you’re not going crazy… he really DID accidentally tweet “#” on three separate occasions.)

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Shannon Clark


Shannon is a third year communication studies and business student at Northeastern University in Boston, MA. She has always been interested in writing and journalism, and Her Campus seemed like the perfect outlet for that! She has been part of Her Campus Northeastern since her freshman year, and has recently been elected as co-correspondent. She is excited for a great semester!