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Ten ways to mix up your workout

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northeastern chapter.

Squeezing in time for the gym in an already busy life can be tough, especially when you are forced to leave your heated apartment to endure below-zero temperatures and piles of snow outside. Exercise is key to a collegiette’s energy, health and self-confidence. But some days, with various other pressing commitments, it can be difficult to find time to go to the gym even for 30 minutes. Starting a daily gym routine seemed like a good idea on January 1, but now is the time when new (and former) gym users begin to lose steam and motivation. If you’re like me and don’t enjoy running outside in the snow, your gym schedule is feeling monotonous (and there’s still about 50 days left until the start of spring).

Here are 10 ways to spice up your winter gym routine:

1. Join Northeastern’s Group Fitness

Group Fitness classes allow you to exercise your mind, body and spirit with a variety of class offerings – zumba, fatburn, cardiobox, abs, mat pilates and yoga to name a few. A $50 semester fee entitles participants to unlimited classes (one class per day). Rotating your gym routine with a day in a fitness class, then a day on the machines, can add diversity to your schedule.
2. Climb the rock wall
We’ve all seen it: The rock climbing wall at the Marino Center that no one wants to use in fear of falling off in front of everyone who walks by the structure. But rock climbing exercise engages all muscle groups simultaneously. It also includes balance and thinking, as climbers must figure out a doable sequence of moves without falling off. Give the rock wall a try and get hooked.
3. Alternate with different cardio machines
Try breaking up your normal gym schedule by switching to the bike or an elliptical trainer. Run on a treadmill for 10 minutes, then workout on a cardio machine for 10 minutes, alternating until you reach your total goal time.

4. Mix it up

No matter which machines you choose to use, completing the same routine at the same pace all the time will get boring. Shake up your schedule and try to do an interval or hill workout once a week. Next time you decide to run on the treadmill, push yourself to run an additional mile. If you’re feeling especially energetic that day, increase the incline for an enhanced workout.

5. Run on the track
Whenever I am at the gym, the track is usually empty – unless, of course, I go during one of the busiest times and people settle for the track because they can’t find an available treadmill. But the track is underrated, and better for your legs than running on a treadmill everyday. And while you’re at it, find a running buddy. Having someone to run with makes the exercise pass quickly, and will keep you on track because you will have a commitment to each other. (No one wants to flake out on their running partner after a mile of running!)

6. Be creative
Find spaces around the gym where you might be able to fit in your cardio exercises. Look for a flight of stairs to run up and down, or a space where you could jump rope. Moving your body in a different way can rejuvenate your workouts. Be daring and find a corner on the courts to jump rope while watching some cuties play basketball.

7. Start strength-training exercises
Step off your favorite machine and do two minutes of strength-training exercises, such as crunches, push-ups, side-crunches and lunges. You will mix up your routine and have killer abs!

8. Find a workout partner
Go to the gym with a friend who has a similar workout schedule as you. S/he can motivate you to maximize your time spent at the gym and keep you committed to your workout. Going alone to the gym makes it easier to stop earlier and not earn the full benefits you went for. A workout partner can also provide some social interaction to make your trip to the gym more interesting. Just make sure you are both focused on the workout so you don’t end up wasting all your time in conversation.

9. Make new playlists

Choosing the right songs to listen to while exercising can help you workout longer, faster and better, according to a recent study published in “The New York Times.” No one doubts that people respond to music during exercise – just look at the multitude of iPod-toting users on every machine at the gym. In fact, music’s dual ability to distract attention (a psychological effect) while simultaneously goosing the heart and the muscles (physiological impacts) makes it so effective during everyday exercise. So, instead of listening to the same “Pump Up Playlist” next time you hit the gym, add new songs each day to motivate you.

10. Go to the gym at an off-time
Certain times of day (the 5:00 rush anyone?) make finding machines at both the Marino Center and Squashbusters impossible to use. People often hover over you, waiting until you are done running on the treadmill or climbing the Stairmaster. Instead of feeling flustered while someone watches your every move, avoid the crowds by going to the gym at an off-time, maybe late morning or early in the afternoon. Then you might be able to concentrate more on your workout and not be worried about someone judging you as they impatiently wait next to your machine. As long as you avoid the gym during crowded times, you are more than likely not to have any problem completing the workout you choose.

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Rachel Kossman


Rachel Kossman is a Northeastern University graduate, and former Her Campus Campus Correspondent. She spent her junior and senior years writing for Her Campus National, and is thrilled to be back contributing to the Post Graduate section.Rachel is currently working as Associate Editor for DAYSPA magazine, an industry publication for spa owners, where she gets to write about spa products, business tips, spa industry news, focus on green lifestyle content, and even review a spa or two every once in a while! She is currently living back in Los Angeles, where she was born and raised, and though she misses Boston and all her friends out east, is very happy to be away from the cold and snow!