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Spotted at Snell: The 7 People You’ll Find in the Library

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northeastern chapter.

Club Snell is full of interesting individuals–mostly who have habits we wished they left behind in their dorms or apartments. Have you spotted any of these distractions lately?

1) The Snacker
 This person is constantly snacking—loudly. And just when you think you won’t hear any more wrapper-crunching from their five granola bars or package of Cookie Crisps, they open a bottle of soda—fiiiizzzzz. It doesn’t help that they can’t chew with their mouth closed or take a sip of their latte without slurping, either.

2) The Guy with his Shoes Off
This guy thinks that the library is his living room, and is taking his shoes off to prove it. As a result, two discolored, worn-out gym socks are peeking out from under one of the wooden cubicles on the third floor. While it’s definitely not the worst thing you can do, it’s definitely up there on the “UGH” list. Do us a favor– keep your shoes on. Or at least bring a pair of slippers to make yourself more comfortable.

3) The Facebook-Stalker

 We all love to Facebook-stalk, whether we’re scrolling through pictures of our roommate’s ex-boyfriend, our newest crush, or that girl in our math class who we can’t stand. However, the library–where hundreds of people you don’t know can sneak a peak at your screen– is NOT the place to do this. The chances of a sorority sister of that girl in your math class sitting behind you are pretty high. Northeastern is a big school, but it’s not that big. Save yourself–wait until you get home to do your investigating.

4) The Skyper
We know you really miss your Mom and/or boyfriend, but you probably shouldn’t be Skyping either of them from the library. Save that for your own room… with the door closed. Even with your best intentions to stifle your laughs, gasps, tears and smiles, you will ultimately fail to do so. So save your table-mates the annoyance and exasperation, and wait until you get home.

5) The Sleeper
 Despite visiting the library with intentions to study or bang out that ten page paper, face-down sleepers still plague the tables on the third floor of Snell. We get it, you’re tired, but by sprawling out to rest your eyes–and brain–you’re taking up valuable table space. And all that snoring and drooling (especially on your finance homework) is pretty gross. So get some coffee, instead. Just remember to sip, don’t slurp.

6) The Loud Group Project
This disgruntled bunch is arguing over how to divide up the work for their presentation–due tomorrow. They’re angry, frustrated and pressed for time. Try to avoid this group, before you get suckered into wondering if the overachiever in the group is really going to do the entire project herself.

7) The Girl Who Disappears
She asks you to watch her stuff “just for five minutes” while she runs to the bathroom or to get a coffee from Argo Tea–but then she disappears for a half hour. You’re not sure what to do. You need to leave, but you promised you’d keep an eye out for her things. However, she promised she’d only be gone a short amount of time. This is where things get tricky: if you leave, will every “stolen laptop” entry in the Crime Log make you wonder if the things you left unattended fell victim to the various wandering hands in Snell? Probably. However, that doesn’t make it okay to leave your things behind for so long. If you promise to be gone “just for five minutes,” come back within four.

I'm a 20 something journalism major at Northeastern University and Campus Correspondent for HerCampus NU. When I'm not writing, I'm working in public relations and am the PR and Promotions Director for WRBB Radio 104.9FM Northeastern's Radio Station and the Public Relations Director for my sorority.