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Meet the Staff: Karlee Stewart, Campus Correspondent

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northeastern chapter.

This week we begin our “Meet the Staff” series. Our writers and designers are interested in all sorts of things outside of Her Campus (though this is one of our common bonds, of course), and by introducing ourselves, we hope that you can get to know us beyond our bylines.

We’ll start off with Karlee Stewart, the Campus Correspondent for our Northeastern branch. Karlee, a 21 year-old senior, comes from Silver Spring, Maryland and headed up north to major in Journalism with a concentration in Public Relations. She started writing for Her Campus at the Northeastern branch launch in the fall of 2010, when the branch founder, Jenn Sinrich, approached her in class. Karlee began contributing while she was abroad in Italy.

Now that she’s returned from across the Atlantic, Karlee has taken over the position of Campus Correspondent. She does this all in addition to being the Public Relations & Promotions Director of WRBB 104.9FM, Northeastern’s radio station, an active member of Delta Phi Epsilon and working a full time co-op. Somehow, Karlee took a break from spending massive amounts of time writing and editing to provide some insight into the life of a busy Northeastern collegiette who loves fashion, beauty and Liam Neeson.  

Why I love Her Campus
Her Campus is the only thing of its kind. I love that I get to help bring young women on campus together by uniting them through interest and concerns we all share. Her Campus is relatable for all college women; I not only love to write for the magazine, but I also love to read it! I’ve rocked many an outfit or cited many a stat that I read on Her Campus.

My favorite thing to write about
Beauty is my go-to beat, but I like writing about anything I feel passionate about. There’s nothing worse than getting an assignment I know nothing about or care nothing about. That’s what’s nice about Her Campus: if I don’t want to write it, women my age probably don’t want to read it. It’s a self-fulfilling and promoting content cycle.

The sports team I cheer for:
I’m from the Maryland/DC area, so I root for the Washington Capitals (Mike Green, if you’re reading this…and why wouldn’t you be….I love you) and I’m a Steelers fan simply to appease my boyfriend’s family. Oh, and of course the Northeastern Huskies! : )

Where I can be found on a Sunday afternoon:
On Sunday, I’m usually scheduling content to go up on Her Campus, catching up on my DVR and if I’m lucky, stealing a little time to go wandering around Allston.

My role model
Bethenny Frankel is one of my biggest role models. The woman is a self-starter. She has an amazing, growing empire of products (books, drinks, dietary supplements), speaking tours, a new husband, an adorable baby and the most positive, sarcastic attitude I’ve ever seen. She’s a rock star and I hope I’m a tenth as successful as she is.

Where I’ll be in five years
I’ll be almost 27, and hopefully (boyfriend, are you reading this?) married and in a job I love. My bangs will have grown out by then, I’ll have figured out that yellow just isn’t my color… I’ll have my stuff together. My cat, Chowder, will be there, and probably some ridiculously adorable dog as well, and friends–I hope I still have the same friends I do now. More people will come into my life, but I hope the people I love today are the people I love then.

My celebrity crush 
Liam Neeson. And this isn’t because I WANT him; I simply need him to be present if I’m ever taken. Like I want him to be one of my my dad’s friends who drops everything, books a private plane to Paris and kills human traffickers to save me before I’m sold to a Russian mobster. I realize this is ridiculous, but just go with it.

Something you didn’t know about me
I’m super allergic to Old Bay seasoning (you Marylanders know what I’m talking about) and Dr. Pepper. My lips get insanely big ala Angelina Jolie — on a bad day.

What I’ll be wearing now that it’s getting colder
Scarfs and boots! I found the most comfortable, amazing leather boots while I lived in Rome last fall that I will be living in this season, as well as the (at least!) 40 scarves that I got in Florence.

Five things that a Northeastern student should have on their Boston bucket list

  1. Eat in the North End (Catch of the Day is uhhhhmazzziinggg).
  2. Go to a Red Sox game (You live down the street — no excuses!).
  3. Drink green beer on St. Patty’s day, it’s gross, but you’re a Bostonian–suck it up!
  4. Go on a Duck Boat tour. They are NOT just for tourists!
  5. Rub the Husky Dog’s nose in Ell Hall’s foyer. It’s a photo opp and any test/paper good luck charm.