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A Little Light Collegiette™ Reading

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northeastern chapter.

Without homework, Northeastern collegiettes™ on co-op can easily get sucked into all kinds of unhealthy habits when the workday is over.

Whether it’s meeting friends for a drink or a bite to eat after work, vegging out to a chick flick or watching yet another rerun of Jersey Shore, nights without homework tread dangerously close to becoming a hazardous, unhealthy routine.

Luckily, we’ve thought of a solution!

Why not take up reading? Instead of watching another fight between Ron and Sammi, give yourself peace of mind by devouring one of these “must reads.” Yes, some are also movies, but rest assured: the books are better!

The Help // Kathryn Stockett: Recently a major motion picture starring Emma Stone, this book digs deeper into what you think Jules from Superbad is capable of. Stockett does a wonderful job depicting what life is like for black maids working in white households living in Jackson, Mississippi in the 1960s. Focusing on three main narrators, the novel not only gives voice to the maids who struggle to make ends meet, but also on the journalist who strives to get their voices heard.

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Series // Stieg Larson: Odds are you will become infatuated with heroine Lisbeth Slander as she conquers villains, hacks her way every secure computer system imaginable and in two words, kicks ass. The first book does start off a little slow, but once the plot picks up you won’t be able to put it down.

I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell // Tucker Max: Yes, he’s a pig. Yes, he’s disgusting. And yes, he’s hilarious. This book of short stories, written by the jerk himself, are irrelevant to everyday life, but fascinating. Riveting, even. You may want to punch Max once the book is done (or maybe only a few chapters in) but you’ll also get in a good laugh.

Water for Elephants // Sarah Gruen: Though circus tents are typically associated with excitement, bright colors and awed crowds, author shows the dark side of these flashy events with animal cruelty, murder and. of course, you don’t get to see Rob Pattinson’s face each time you flip the page, but isn’t that what imagination is for?

The Blind Side // Michael Lewis: You don’t have to love football to love this true account of one man’s journey into the NFL. You just have to love a story about an underdog making it big.

Mole People // Jennifer Toth: Did you know people live underneath New York City’s subway systems? Yes, real people. They may live differently than you and I do, but they’re there and they have a story to tell. Read Toth’s riveting account of meeting, socializing and living with the residents of NYC no one talks about.

19 Minutes// Jodi Picoult:Picoult digs deep into the mind of a school shooter in this novel, as well as the relationships surrounding this “monster” and the people affected by his decision to bring a gun to school one day. While enthralling, it can also be disturbing, but is an interesting and thought-provoking read that makes you realize the many sides to every story.

Something Borrowed and Something Blue // Emily Giffin: Also a feature film (Something Borrowed) that combines both novels, these are both fun reads that you should have no trouble devouring quickly. Both novels follow the friendship of two women as one falls for the other’s fiancé. Can you say “sticky situation?” If you’ve seen the movie, the books are significantly different, so you’ll still find a few pleasant surprises along the way.

Got any other books you think we should mention? Comment and let us know!

Photo courtesy of: The Book Worm

I'm a 20 something journalism major at Northeastern University and Campus Correspondent for HerCampus NU. When I'm not writing, I'm working in public relations and am the PR and Promotions Director for WRBB Radio 104.9FM Northeastern's Radio Station and the Public Relations Director for my sorority.