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Links We Love 10.18

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northeastern chapter.

Well, it might not be a holiday weekend but nonetheless, Friday is still upon us, huskies. Whether you’re reeling from midterms or stressed from the coop life, we’ve got you covered – just like we do each weekend. Enjoy our round-up of best links that you might have missed this week! HCXO.


  1.  We all love Disney movies. It’s a fact. And when Disney couples kiss at the end, we wish our lives were as perfect. Well, see what happens when people act out those famous kisses in real life. (Thought Catalog)
  2. We don’t know why this is so addicting but it just is. Whatever you do, don’t press the red button. (Most Fun Games)
  3. She just doesn’t understand. Watch her dance it out as she explains. (YouTube)
  4. It never gets old: Celebrities reading mean tweets. (BuzzFeed)
  5. Looks like Jayden Smith is having an early life crisis. Poor boy seems pretty confused on twitter. (Buzzfeed)
  6. Throwback! Because who doesn’t love a butchered song? (YouTube)
  7. For a story to warm you heart, read about this boy who sought out the help he wasn’t recieving. After working to channel his rage, an orphan walked into a church begging for a new family. (Naples News)
  8. Here’s one specifically for Huskies. Students and faculty members react to a proposal to merge Communications and Journalism Department. Voice off on how you feel! (Boston Globe)
  9. And if you watch one thing this week, let it be this: From the brilliant folks who brought you “Friday,” here’s “Chinese Food.” (Her Campus)



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Melanie Dostis


Melanie Dostis is a journalism major at Northeastern University. She has been involved with Her Campus since her sophomore year, being elected co-correspondent her junior year- a position she is thrilled to continue in her last year. She lives a writing-filled life and wouldn't have it any other way. She is currently interning at Boston Magazine and is a correspondent for the Boston Globe and USA Today. She can usually be found back in her home-roots of wonderful New York on weekends, exploring her second home in Boston, or often back in her family roots of Ecuador, gorging on massive amounts of Hispanic dishes....Follow her on Twitter @MelDostis. HCXO!