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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northeastern chapter.

Name: Jeremy Klein
Age: 21
Major: Dual in Finance and Management
Hometown: Needham, MA
Siblings? Older sister Sarah
What sports do you:
A) play: Soccer for Northeastern
B) watch: basketball, soccer, football, baseball and hackeysack when those kids are doing it on the quad
C) believe isn’t a sport: NASCAR – nearly everyone can drive.
What’s your favorite bottled water? – I prefer Boston tap water, it builds character.
What’s your dream vacation destination and who would you go with? I have a couple – one would be the Grand Canyon with someone special. We’d do some hiking, stay in a hostel in the canyon. I think that’d be a lot of fun and romantic because you could be so alone/get lost with someone in a giant rock, which you can’t do that often. Another would be Sydney, Australia with a group of friends to see the beautiful country, as well as party in a brand new city!
What’s your biggest accomplishment:
A) in life: My biggest accomplishment would be making Northeastern’s varsity soccer team and being enrolled in the honors program. I’m proud of my dedication to things I care about, and the time I put into those things to get the most out of them. Also, I can beat anyone in Super Mario Smash Bros using jigglypuff.
B) this month: Realizing that my friends from home are graduating college and that I have an extra year – thank you NU!!
Favorite pick-up line? Have you ever used it?
me: “How much does a polar bear weigh?”
girl: “How much?”
me: “Enough to break the ice. Hi, I’m Jeremy.” – Unfortunately, I’ve never used that seriously, but I plan on it, how could it not work???
What is the first thing you notice about a girl? I have to respond with a few things: one, her smile. I love it when a girl’s smile makes me smile regardless of what I’m thinking/feeling. Two, how she carries herself. I like a girl with confidence. And three, if she can seamlessly insert herself into a group conversation/setting. A major turn off when girls have trouble doing that and feel uncomfortable when they’re not right with you. Obviously, that’s more than just the first thing I notice about a girl, but had to get it off my chest.
What’s your ideal first date? It’d be on a weeknight, not Friday, so Monday through Thursday. I feel like that takes some of the pressure off and in a place where you don’t feel isolated, like a bar or a place with live music. That way if the convo goes stale there is something to look at it besides your food. Maybe somewhere I’ve been before, not necessarily on a date, but just somewhere I feel comfortable so it is not extra awkward looking for bathrooms. In all seriousness my ideal first date most likely involves a Luau Salad from the Cheesecake Factory, maybe some Coldstone after it, and perhaps even a walk along the reflection pool for some final time to make a decision whether or not to call her again.
What feminine fashion trend do you not understand? – Anything fur, especially vests.

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Rachel Kossman


Rachel Kossman is a Northeastern University graduate, and former Her Campus Campus Correspondent. She spent her junior and senior years writing for Her Campus National, and is thrilled to be back contributing to the Post Graduate section.Rachel is currently working as Associate Editor for DAYSPA magazine, an industry publication for spa owners, where she gets to write about spa products, business tips, spa industry news, focus on green lifestyle content, and even review a spa or two every once in a while! She is currently living back in Los Angeles, where she was born and raised, and though she misses Boston and all her friends out east, is very happy to be away from the cold and snow!