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Five Takeaways from the Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life Trailer

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northeastern chapter.

Around this time last year, Netflix announced that they were going to be bringing back Gilmore Girls for four mini movies and the world lost its mind. Ever since then, fans (me included) speculated what the storylines of the new episodes would be like: Do Lorelai and Luke *finally* end up together? Who does Rory end up with? Well, we are finally in the homestretch to get all our questions answered.




Last Tuesday marked the one month mark until the episodes hit Netflix, and to celebrate, the official trailer was FINALLY released!! It made me laugh, cry, and feel pretty much every other emotion possible, all under three minutes.


Here are what I believe are the biggest takeaways from the trailer:

  1. Umm.. hi Jess?!

Ok, so we know that all of Rory’s ex-boyfriends will be in the revival, but why is Jess the only one we see her interacting with in the trailer? Yes, I know that they could only fit so much into a video less than three minutes long, which gives this scene even more significance! Does Rory finally end up with him? I think this moment sure does point in that direction.


2. Richard’s death is going to be a huge storyline throughout all the episodes

Ever since the news came out that actor Edward Herman died and that Netflix was making these episodes, the biggest question was how is this going to be shown throughout the episode and affect the family dynamic? Well, based on what was shown in the trailer, it might possibly be the biggest storyline. For the first time in the series, all three generations of Gilmore girls are going to be lost, confused, and hurt all at the same time due to this loss. I think we’re going to see Emily and Lorelai’s relationship change dramatically. Of course, Rory is going to be largely affected by this as well. To me, the relationship between Rory and Richard was the strongest and most underrated one throughout the whole series. They shared so much and now that part of her is gone. It’s going to be heartbreaking to see them trying to find their way without him so I hope you’re all stocking up on tissues.


3. Yes ladies and gentlemen, Luke and Lorelai are in fact together!!

We did kind of know this for a while, as the picture above was released a couple of months ago, along with several others. The biggest concern when those pictures came out, though, was WHERE IS THE RING?! Luke and Lorelai are more likely than not going to walk down the aisle at some point during the revival, but why aren’t they at least engaged? Well, I think that Amy Sherman-Palladino knows that we have been waiting for this moment long enough and wants us to see everything leading up to that wedding, including the engagement.


4. How much is Sookie in the revival?

As we know, there was some drama at the start of filming for the revival when everyone was so upset that Melissa McCarthy wasn’t reprising her role as Sookie to turn out she was never even asked in the first place!! Eventually she was able to return, but how much of a role will she have in the new episodes? She is Lorelai’s best friend! And what’s up with Davey, Martha, and her third child that we still have no idea what the gender was? And Jackson?! There are so many question surrounding this family and I hope we get to see them quite often.



Ok so this one is just for fun, but I think a lot of people freaked out when they got to this part of the trailer. Why is Kirk, out of all the people in Stars Hollow, at Friday night dinner?! Does he have a new job of some kind that causes him to meet with Emily?! I literally have no for this one!!!


We are so close to have all of our questions answered, and I cannot wait!!!