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Cooking Collegiette Style: Homemade Guacamole

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northeastern chapter.

Time for some comfort food and it’s football season, so that means spending Sundays hanging around with friends watching the game and eating chips.

Instead of running to Qdoba for chips and guacamole, make your own, and control what goes in it to make it as healthy as you’d like. If you still want to make your own guacamole but are afraid of messing up, I’ve added some easy alternative options after the recipe.

Homemade Guacamole Ingredients:

  1. 2 Avocados
  2. Salt (or garlic salt) (1/2 teaspoon)
  3. Chili powder (1/2 teaspoon)
  4. Garlic Powder (1/4 teaspoon)


  1. Cut both avocados in half with a knife; be sure to avoid the large pit in the middle of the avocado.
  2. Using a knife, cut a crisscross pattern in the avocado half. This will make it easier in the next step to mash up the avocado.
  3. Use a spoon to scoop out the avocado middles and mash them up in a bowl. Save one avocado pit to use later, you can throw the other pit and skins away.
  4. Add the spices to the mashed avocado and mix until you can’t see them anymore.
  5. Use a chip to test the guacamole, feel free to add more spices if you can’t taste them and want more.

*To store the guacamole for later, put one of the avocado pits in the guacamole to keep it fresh, cover the bowl with plastic wrap and keep refrigerated

**To make this slightly more healthy, cut up half of a tomato into small pieces and mix into the guacamole.

***If this recipe is too complicated or takes too long, there are two other easy options for making your own guacamole.

  1. The first option is to follow the directions above up until step 3 and mix in about 4 tablespoons of salsa and you’re done!
  2. The second option is to buy McCormick’s Guacamole Mix and just follow the directions. This option is basically the same as the directions above but all of the spices are already measured out and ready to mix in. I’ve made guacamole using this last option many times and it has always been delicious!

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Melanie Dostis


Melanie Dostis is a journalism major at Northeastern University. She has been involved with Her Campus since her sophomore year, being elected co-correspondent her junior year- a position she is thrilled to continue in her last year. She lives a writing-filled life and wouldn't have it any other way. She is currently interning at Boston Magazine and is a correspondent for the Boston Globe and USA Today. She can usually be found back in her home-roots of wonderful New York on weekends, exploring her second home in Boston, or often back in her family roots of Ecuador, gorging on massive amounts of Hispanic dishes....Follow her on Twitter @MelDostis. HCXO!