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Contiki: A Collegiette’s One Stop Shop for the Ultimate Vacation

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northeastern chapter.

We all want to see the world—the problem is as college students, we often lack the finances and resources to actually get out there and do it.

Though Northeastern provides many valuable study and co-op abroad options – sometimes a collegiette just needs a vacation.

Rather than meticulously mapping out the fine details of your next adventure, calculating each cost with great precision and scavenging through hundreds of hotel reviews to make sure the one you’re choosing is legitimate, most of us would rather have a more knowledgeable source take the reins.

And no, we don’t mean trusting your BFF Kimmie who has been to Europe once before.

We mean having a tourism company like Contiki handle all of your traveling worries for you—and guarantee an awesome, once-in-a-lifetime trip.

Contiki is the #1 travel company for young people—aka, us. It offers over 200 guided tours in more than 40 countries, exclusively for 18 to 35-year-olds. Whether you want to get your picture taken inside a phone booth in London, walk through the Amazon jungle or see the pyramids in Egypt, Contiki has got you covered.
Contiki’s pre-planned trips map out the logistics of an amazing adventure so you don’t have to, taking care of meals, sightseeing destinations and lodging. Plus, these trips are offered at amazingly affordable prices, and special deals and discounts are also available—check them out now.

Why are we telling you about this great company?

Well, first of all, it sounds pretty awesome. Second of all, Her Campus is having a contest!

The “Have Contiki, Will Travel” contest will send one collegiette on a Contiki tour of her choice, FOR FREE! To enter, fill out this form—every day. You can even enter more than once!

If your course schedule is so heavy you can’t manage to study abroad, you simply want a fun spring or summer break destination, or you just don’t want to be traveling for an extended period of time, Contiki trips are perfect for you. Knock “travel the world” off your collegiette bucket list before the end of the year!

Good luck, and happy traveling!

“This is a partner post. All opinions are 100% ours.”

Photos: youtravel, Contiki

I'm a 20 something journalism major at Northeastern University and Campus Correspondent for HerCampus NU. When I'm not writing, I'm working in public relations and am the PR and Promotions Director for WRBB Radio 104.9FM Northeastern's Radio Station and the Public Relations Director for my sorority.