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7 Ways to Freshen Up Your Love Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northeastern chapter.

It’s that time of year again–to lose the winter weight, to rock sun dresses and shades and finally, count down the days until school is out for the summer. While this week’s frosty weather might not be the best indicator, spring has arrived and with it comes spring cleaning. Beyond what this means for your closet, this is the perfect time to freshen up your relationship, because sometimes, a new season can bring more change than the start of a new year. Winter blues can cause stresses so whether it’s long distance or you see each other every day, every relationship can lose its spark. Who wants to go out in the cold?

Check out 7 ways to ensure your romance stays dynamic and blossoms into the summer!

1. Go outside (obviously!) As much fun as cuddling up on the couch is, that gulp of fresh air means it’s time to for some fun in the sun–just look at all the students who’ve come out of hiding on campus! The cold might have forced you and your significant other to keep doing the same old things, but take advantage of Boston this spring–head to the Commons with the books instead of to the library, have a lunch date at Quincy market instead of the usual d-hall feast, or take a stroll through the North End (be sure to stop at Mike’s Pastry the way home).

2. Try something new! Going off our first tip, be adventurous this spring; it is the perfect time to live by the motto ‘out with the old and in with new!’ Spend a weekend in another city where new activities await (South Station is only 20 minutes away!) or check out a new band (Boston has so many clubs!). For those on co-op, this might be easier to accomplish than those prepping for finals, but be creative. Even a romantic stroll during a study break can help change things up.

3. Reacquaint yourselves! It’s not just the seasons that are changing. It’s inevitable for people to change too, especially during college. Check into your relationship by going beyond questions like “how was your day?”.  You may think you already learned everything about each other during the awkward initial stages, but you’d be surprised what you might find out if you change up the conversation.

4. Surprise! Nothing sets the mood quite like a romantic surprise. Spice up a lackluster class packed day with a candlelight dinner (just don’t set off those faulty dorm alarms!). All it takes is a candle and some takeout. Sneak a note into his notebook so it’ll brighten up his day when he sees it in class. And you can never go wrong with a little present, from tickets to a show you know he wants to see, to a book he’ll love, presents mean the most when there’s no special occasion. Lastly, picnics, picnics and picnics (even if it’s on the quad!).

5. Make time to try out each others interests. Read one of his books and have him read one of yours. Whether you like it or not, it can only lead to either an insightful conversation or a cute argument. You can also try reading the same book (Hunger Games, anyone?!). Do the same with music, movies, and food and let the conversations begin!

6. Put in the effort. In the hectic cycle of classes, co-op and all the in-betweens that occupy our lives, sometimes we’re just to busy to remind each other how we feel. We know the feelings are there, but once in a while it’s good to go above and beyond. Even if you don’t like to write, give it a try and write your special someone a letter. Whether you’re thanking him (or her!) for a good day or reminiscing on your earlier days, the feelings will just flow out. If writing just isn’t your thing, you can try making a mix CD or just decorating a good old fashioned picture frame.

7. Give each other space. Lastly, remember that as strong as you both are together, your relationship should be just as strong apart, if not stronger. Don’t let your relationship become routine: take this new season to explore yourself. Whether you’re going away this summer or starting co-op in the fall, a new school year awaits you soon so give each other to adjust to the changes and just do your thing.

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Melanie Dostis


Melanie Dostis is a journalism major at Northeastern University. She has been involved with Her Campus since her sophomore year, being elected co-correspondent her junior year- a position she is thrilled to continue in her last year. She lives a writing-filled life and wouldn't have it any other way. She is currently interning at Boston Magazine and is a correspondent for the Boston Globe and USA Today. She can usually be found back in her home-roots of wonderful New York on weekends, exploring her second home in Boston, or often back in her family roots of Ecuador, gorging on massive amounts of Hispanic dishes....Follow her on Twitter @MelDostis. HCXO!
I'm a 20 something journalism major at Northeastern University and Campus Correspondent for HerCampus NU. When I'm not writing, I'm working in public relations and am the PR and Promotions Director for WRBB Radio 104.9FM Northeastern's Radio Station and the Public Relations Director for my sorority.