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7 Movies To Watch in Theaters Over Winter Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northeastern chapter.

      1. 12/14: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Now, I’ll be honest, I have never actually seen The Lord of the Rings  trilogy, nor do I find elves particularly appealing. Yet,  given the reaction of my peers I have decided to include this film in my movie recommendation list. Essentially the film tells the story of Bilbo Baggins, a Hobbit (which I think is a small hairy man) who travels with an old wizard/Magneto and a bunch of dwarves to get a treasure or something. I’m not really sure. I’m extremely excited for the Mary Kate Olsen cameo though. I mean, she’s the one who plays Gollum right?

     2.  12/19: Monsters Inc, 3D
Talk about some nostalgia! While arguably not Pixar’s best animated film, there’s no better way to  relive your childhood than by paying 14 dollars to see a movie you already own on DVD. If anything, this movie will provide you with a refresher of the characters in preparation for Monsters University, the prequel, which is set to be released next June. And if seeing the adorableness that is Boo in 3D isn’t convincing enough for you to go then I don’t know what else to tell you.

      3. 12/21: This is 40
This is 40, a sort of sequel/ spin off of Knocked Up which follows the relationship of Debbie and Pete, a married couple.  The movie approaches the everyday stresses of marriage, family and life in a humorous and relatable way. What’s even better is that the film stars Paul Rudd, who is literally the most precious man in existence, and boasts enough celebrity cameos to make it worth watching. I mean who wouldn’t want to see a movie with Paul Rudd, Jason Segel, Melissa McCarthy and Megan Fox (Did anyone else think that she died or is that just me?)

    4. 12/21: On The Road
On the Road, a film adaptation of Jack Kerouac’s cult classic is based on the years Kerouac spent traveling the United States with his friend ( I don’t know I’ve never read it- sue me!)  All I really know about this film is that Kristen Stewart is in it and that she is apparently uncomfortable to watch (tell me something I don’t know). At least she didn’t sleep with this director (#TeamRPatz)

   5.12/25: Django Unchained
A Quentin Tarantino Western Film (yes, I guess that’s a thing), Django Unchained follows Django (Jamie Foxx) a freed slave who travels across America with Dr. King Schultz, a bounty hunter. Like most Tarantino films, expect a lot of style, finesse and general craziness. And while I am not necessarily a huge Tarantino fan, this movie just has too many good actors to pass up. Specifically, Samuel L. Jackson (who is STILL tired of these motherf*cking snakes, on this motherf*cking plane), Leonardo DiCaprio (God’s gift to the world) and Jonah Hill (because everyone loves the fat funny guy). The only thing this movie is missing- Ryan Gosling.

    6. 12/25- Les Miserables
Coming from a theater background, I can tell you that people are ready to storm the Bastille in order to see “Les Miserables”, the film adaptation of the famous broadway musical. Intensely dramatic and with memorable songs such as “I Dreamed a Dream” and “On My Own”, this movie will be the highlight, or biggest downfall, of all winter movie releases. There’s something in it for everybody. There’s Helena Bonham Carter for people who delight in her insanity–Hugh Jackman for people who love X-Men and can appreciate a fine Aussie man— Anne Hathaway, Princess of Genovia— and Amanda Seyfriend, who once asked me how to spell orange.

     7. 1/4: Texas Chainsaw 3D
It is only fitting that this movie comes out three days before the spring semester begins. The title is somewhat self explanatory and follows a man who shreds people to pieces with a chainsaw (but here’s the twist: It’s in 3D) If anything this film is just foreshadowing of the semester to come: at first it will seem calm and fun, but when it comes to crunch time, blood will be shed and people will beg for their lives at the mercy of teachers and never ending school work.

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Connor Doherty


I am currently a junior at Northeastern University pursuing a degree in Communications and Political Science. In my spare time I enjoy counting calories, fantasizing about being friends with Jennifer Lawrence and binge watching Lifetime movies.
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Melanie Dostis


Melanie Dostis is a journalism major at Northeastern University. She has been involved with Her Campus since her sophomore year, being elected co-correspondent her junior year- a position she is thrilled to continue in her last year. She lives a writing-filled life and wouldn't have it any other way. She is currently interning at Boston Magazine and is a correspondent for the Boston Globe and USA Today. She can usually be found back in her home-roots of wonderful New York on weekends, exploring her second home in Boston, or often back in her family roots of Ecuador, gorging on massive amounts of Hispanic dishes....Follow her on Twitter @MelDostis. HCXO!