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6 Must-Watch Movies to Get You in the Mood for Fall

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northeastern chapter.

Fall is finally upon us! As we celebrate the beginning of a new season with circle scarves, pumpkin spice lattes and the leaves changing colors, here are some fall-themed movies to get you ready for the best season ever:

1. Mean Girls (2004)

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A classic teen movie, Mean Girls will bring you back to high school with the beginning of a new semester, chaotic Halloween parties, and struggling to just fit in.

2. Hocus Pocus (1993)

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Hocus Pocus is an absolute must-see to start feeling *~spooky~* for Halloween! It’s a Disney movie too, so it’ll definitely bring back some childhood memories.

3. Silver Linings Playbook (2012)

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Nothing welcomes the beginning of fall more than football season, which is exactly what this movie revolves around.

4. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (2001)

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Is it just me, or will the Harry Potter franchise never get old? This first movie is just the beginning of a long tale filled with mischief, magic and finding yourself along the way.

5. Juno (2007)

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Another heart-warming teen movie, the film’s general color scheme of maroon and burnt orange ties in with the leaves changing in autumn.

6. The Addams Family (1991)

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This film is another Halloween classic that will set the mood for one of fall’s best holidays.

Xandie Kuenning is the Career Editor at Her Campus and a graduate of Northeastern University with a Bachelor's in International Affairs and minors in Journalism and Psychology. She is an avid traveler with a goal to join the Travelers' Century Club. When not gallivanting around the world, she can be found reading about fairytales or Eurasian politics, baking up a storm, or watching dangerous amounts of Netflix. Follow her on Instagram @AKing1917 and on Twitter @XKuenning.