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5 Ways to Sleigh the Holiday Season in a Dorm

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northeastern chapter.

Whether you are a Halloween enthusiast or a Christmas connoisseur, everyone has that one holiday that fills them with festivity like no other. For me, the Christmas season has always been a time of nostalgia and joy. As an avid holiday lover, I have always been insistent on filling my home with the smell of vanilla and gingerbread in the winter. At this point in my life, lighting a candle in my dorm could potentially be a fire hazard (and definitely get me into trouble with my RA), so I’ve been forced to think about how I can spread some holiday cheer while embracing the dorm lifestyle. If you’re in the same boat or can’t go home for Christmas, here are five fun ways to celebrate the holiday season right from your dorm.

1: Gingerbread Houses!

I am well aware that gingerbread is not everyone’s cup of tea, but nobody can deny that trying to stick together gingerbread blocks with frosting is a rite of passage. Decorating gingerbread houses is a great way to create a festive vibe in a dorm without excessive mess, and if you don’t like eating gingerbread, the decorations will last even longer! Personally, my roommate needs to gear up for the gingerbread decorating contest I fully intend to challenge her to. Gather your friends and decorate some questionable-looking houses. You’ll be left with fun memories and a low upkeep decoration!

2: Tinsel!

We’ve all seen the hanging vines displayed in dorms across campus, and I can say with complete certainty that all “it girls” know how to appreciate a good vine. This picturesque trend in dorm decor got me thinking; who is going to stop me from hanging tinsel all over my dorm? It’s not a crime as far as I’m aware, and waking up surrounded by shiny tinsel flowing down my dorm walls might just excite me enough to get me up and moving for my morning classes. 

3: Hot Chocolate!

I know that Christmas cookies are out of the question for those of us who do not have ovens, but hot chocolate is very much still on the menu! Hot cocoa mix is cheap, which is great for those of us who are fulfilling the broke college student trope, and warming up milk or water in a dorm microwave is about as far as my baking skills extend. If you don’t have a microwave in your dorm, there are a plethora of on-campus centers and buildings with microwaves open for student use. Make a mug of hot chocolate, cuddle up with a good book, play some festive tunes and appreciate the beauty of Boston winter from indoors!

4: Essential Oil/Reed Diffusers!

My roommate has repeatedly told me that I do not need festive scents to celebrate the holiday season, but to no avail. I try not to be unreasonable, but weeks of internal deliberation have shown me that the aroma palette that goes alongside Christmas cheer is an absolute necessity for the sake of my joy. With candles being off the table, I immediately started hunting for other ways to make my room smell like a winter wonderland. Essential oil diffusers have blown up recently, and a good peppermint scent could put even the Grinch in a festive mood. If you don’t think you’ll use a diffuser past the holiday season and don’t want to buy one, reed diffusers are my personal favorite; they give the same vibe as a candle but without the risk of burning your dorm down in the process. 

5: Make the Best of Boston!

Walking through the freezing cold temperatures that characterize the Boston living experience is so miserable that I often forget to see the beauty of Boston itself. Still, I am making it a priority to change this habit over the holiday season. The Boston Ballet is one of a kind and performs an extraordinary rendition of the classic Nutcracker play, the tree lighting on Boston Common is our very own version of the Rockefeller tree, and it is near impossible to not be utterly consumed by holiday joy while visiting the gorgeous winter wonderland that is the Stone Zoo. Boston is home to countless beautiful and heartwarming holiday experiences. Don’t let the cold deter you from making the most of what the city has to offer!

Amanda Gomes

Northeastern '27

Amanda (she/her) is a first-year Political Science and International Affairs combined major with a minor in Spanish. Her passions include reading classic literature, listening to music, and watching nostalgic disney movies.