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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northeastern chapter.

Curious to know about the endless opportunities there are with pumpkins, my research on such an extraordinary fruit began. My results were of complete shock to me as they will be to you! Who knew pumpkin sherbet existed?!?

  1. Pumpkin Pie

2. Pumpkin Spice Latte

3. Pumpkin Liqueur

4. Pumpkin Ale

5. Pumpkin Bread

6. Pumpkin Smoothies

7. Pumpkin Butter

8. Pumpkin Chips

9. Pumpkin Fries

10. Pumpkin Pudding

11. Pumpkin Dip

12. Pumpkin Brittle

13. Pumpkin Flan

14. Pumpkin Tortellini

15. Pumpkin Risotto

16. Pumpkin Cheesecake

17. Pumpkin Spice Cupcakes

18. Pumpkin Puree

19. Pumpkin Donuts

20. Pumpkin Sherbet

21. Pumpkin Fudge Truffles

22. Pumpkin Dog Treats

23. Pumpkin Hummus

24. Pumpkin Pancakes

25. Pumpkin Meatloaf

26. Pumpkin Black Bean Burgers

27. Pumpkin Curry

28. Pumpkin Cookies

29. Pumpkin Custard

30. Pumpkin Soup

To be honest, this list is endless and can go on forever and ever, but it is midnight and I’m starving thinking about all these dishes…

Tomorrow the adventure begins to try them all!

Rehab Asif

Northeastern '20

Hi, My name is Rehab and I'm a junior at Northeastern University! I'm a Media and Screen Studies major with a minor in Experience Design. Live, Love & Laugh is the motto I always preach!