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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NMSU chapter.

Journalism students prepare for their live transmission of local news at the KRWG T.V. studio inside NMSU. News22 broadcasts Tuesdays through Thursdays on Spring and Fall semesters and it is mostly ran by students.

Despite being born and raised in Chihuaha, Mexico, Ignacio (Nacho) SotoConde has seen and experienced many cultures through his frequent travels. While travelling is one of his passions, photography, in particular, has a special place in his heart. He is currently a senior at New Mexico State University, with a focus in photojournalism. After graduation he hopes to move to Dubai to pursue a career in photography.
Fernanda Teixeira is a senior at New Mexico State University who is majoring in Mass Communication and minoring in Advertising/Marketing. When she's not running around on campus, you can usually find her in the corner shoving her face with jellybeans. Her favorite hobbies include talking 24/7 about her dog, showing people photos of her dog, and seamlessly fitting her dog into everyday conversations. Did I mention she has a dog?