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The long, winding Road

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NMSU chapter.

Plans. It’s a funny belief that life will never throw out anything unexpected. It makes it seem like life is a clear and straight road with nothing in the way of that plan.

Life isn’t that.

Life is full of speedbumps, u-turns, lefts and rights and sometimes complete stops. Stops until we press the gas again. But, nobody knows how hard it is to press until we get there. We especially have those plans going into a new chapter of life.

In my case, this was college. I had so many plans. I wanted to walk in the first day of school, my head held high, become part of so many different clubs, be positive, motivated, have a spot working at my dream job. I wanted to have it all. I wanted it all, forgetting it takes work to get there, forgetting life happens. I was faced with a long, winding road. I had an unexpected injury, that cost me my physical movement, which made it impossible to work that dream job. I was faced with an unexpected death, which made it impossible to have any focus. I was faced with another need for radiation, which took one last hit at my physical and mental ability. Now, I was at a complete stop. These are not excuses, they’re reasons. But, no, they’re not reasons, either – they’re bumps in the that long, winding road.

Until about a week ago, I was still stuck in the middle of the road. Until I realized something. Life would be nothing if not for these bumps. We would be nothing if not for these bumps. The thing is life doesn’t put this in front of us for fun. It puts it in front of us so we can learn. So we can be stronger. So we can be resilient. So we work hard. Because nothing feels better, than finally getting something you worked hard for. It is the best feeling. That doesn’t make all these bumps and turns easier. But, it gives it a purpose. To know why life puts them there. To understand that plans will never have a smooth road ahead. It will be full of unexpected things.

To push that pedal every time we stall out. To realize that everything happens for a reason. I may not be who or where I wanted to be right now. Most of us right now, aren’t. But I am well on my way and I am stronger because of all that’s come before me. As is everyone else who is driving down this road to their plans.

It may be long, it may be hard, but it is worth it. Every bump is a lesson. It changes you for the better. Because you hold your head high, but only high enough to see where you’re going. Because you will not be defeated the next time you get to a bump or a stop. Instead, you’ll press the gas, harder than ever before. Making way on the long, winding road. 

Journalism and Mass Communcations Studies with a emphasis in Public Relations, Broadcasting and Minor in Education