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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NMSU chapter.

“I’m really proud of you little bro. I know I’ll miss you a lot more than I already do now, always remember that I love you just a little more.”

Name: Corey Joe

Major: Social Work

Year: Junior

Where do you consider home?

Mexican Springs, New Mexico. It’s a reservation.

What is your ethnicity?

I’m half Navajo and half Black.

Do you have a morning ritual?

Yes! Mornings are golden to me. I take my time and ease myself into the morning with my coffee. Then, I shower and listen to music.

Name three things that are on your bucket list.

Northern lights, Peace Corps and Grumpy Cat

/ Career /

As a kid, what was your biggest fear about being an adult?

I always wanted to be an adult, but now that I’m an adult I want to be a child. I miss those carefree days.

/ Life /

Is there something that has ever made your life go in a completely different direction?

My brother passed away two years ago on his birthday in a car accident. Around the same time my friend and dog passed away, so I pulled a “Britney” and moved here from Albuquerque. When I moved here, it was the first time I had been here, and it’s the best decision I’ve ever made.

/ Love /

Do you have any personal dating advice for NMSU students?

I’m the worst person to ask for dating advice!

/ Health /

How do you deal with stress during the beginning of the semester?

I freak out! But I take baths, go hiking, go on walks and listen music.

/ Style /

What is your favorite season to dress for?

Winter! I love layers.

How do you feel about Donald Trump?

“I think he needs a hug, and he needs a reality check.”

What would you do if you ran over a puppy?

“I would pick him up and hold his carcass and be like ‘OMG!’ and run him to the nearest vet!”

What’s the face you make when your crush gives you a compliment?

“When that happens I’ll tell you!”

Fernanda Teixeira is a senior at New Mexico State University who is majoring in Mass Communication and minoring in Advertising/Marketing. When she's not running around on campus, you can usually find her in the corner shoving her face with jellybeans. Her favorite hobbies include talking 24/7 about her dog, showing people photos of her dog, and seamlessly fitting her dog into everyday conversations. Did I mention she has a dog?