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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NMSU chapter.

With it being the season of love, you may be a little stressed about figuring out a reasonable date idea. As college students, it is difficult for us to spoil the person we are dating because we often do not have a lot of extra crash. While spending money is not the most important thing in a relationship, it does show your partner that you care and it is a nice treat to make someone feel special. However, there are ways to put in the effort without spending a lot. So, here are some date ideas that are a lot of fun and will not break your bank!

  • Go on a picnic

This is a creative and fun date that allows you to use your surroundings as entertainment. You can go to a local park or even go on a hiking trail. Packing a simple sandwich and some chips is not very expensive and if you want to be even fancier or more time efficient, you can pick up sandwiches at a nearby deli. Surprising your special someone with a picnic shows that you care and that you put some effort into the date without spending a lot of money. Enjoy the nice surroundings and conversation!


  • Look into museums or exhibits

    I was extremely surprised at how many locations offer free visits when I looked into the museums and exhibits in my surrounding areas. Do some research and see if there are any places near you that do not require you to buy tickets or an entrance fee. Besides gas if you are driving there, you will not be paying anything and will most likely experience and see things that you never have before with your partner.



  • Check out local events

    There are often many things happening in your town that you do not know about. Look online or read through the local newspaper or magazine to see what is going on. Most of the time these events are free and provide a great opportunity to meet friends and give you and your partner something new to do.

  • Have a movie night

    These are some of my favorite dates that I have ever had. It is nice having a night to relax and watch movies with your favorite person. Add snacks and dessert and it makes it even better. You can either watch some movies that you already have, borrow some from a friend, or even rent a movie that you have never seen before. This date is perfect for a chill night in and you can even wear pajamas for it!

  • Set up a game night with friends

    I love game nights. Send a group text message out to your closest friends and ask them to bring over their favorite games to play. Nights like this come with a lot of laughs and if you already have the games, it does not require you to spend any money.

  • Go on a fast food date

    Most people do not go into fast food restaurants because they are usually on the go. However, this can be a romantic little date that often does not cost much. Next time you are picking up some food, go in instead and have some real conversation with your partner. This is a cheap way to connect with the person you are dating in a different environment when you usually would have just munched it down when you got home.

I hope that you and your partner try out these ideas and dates that do not require a lot of money! We often become blinded by the perfect couples we see on social media that are always going on trips and doing extravagant things. Sometimes the funnest times do not cost money at all and instead are the experiences and interactions you have with the person you love. Hope you all have a great Valentine’s Day!



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Amaris W

NMSU '20

Majoring in sociology and gender studies.