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22 Thoughts We All Have Before Graduation

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NMSU chapter.

Being ready to graduate is a common sentiment among most college students however once the reality of the end hits, that’s when it can be the most nerve wracking. With only six more weeks of the semester left, it seemed only appropriate to share some of the most common thoughts graduating seniors have before having to enter the the big bad world of adulting. Initiate panic mode now.

1.     Hell yeah, I’m graduating. I can’t wait to leave.


2.     Wait, I haven’t even started applying for jobs yet. Maybe I should start that now.

3.     Oh cool, this job is looking for college graduates for an entry-level position.

4.     WTF?! They want me to have 10 years of experience? That’s not even possible…

5.     I should have done more internships.

6.     Why the hell hasn’t any one called me for an interview?

7.     I wonder if mom will let me kick it at the house for a bit if I don’t find a job.

8.     Maybe I can just live with her forever. Yeah, I bet she would love that.

9.     Actually no.

10.  Wait, they want me to pay how much for the cap and gown!?

11.  But I am only wearing it once!

12.  My hand hurts from writing all of these announcements. I don’t even know half of these people that mom is making me invite.

13.  Saying bye to everyone is going to suck.

14.  Where did the last few years go? I swear it feels like I was in Kindergarten class napping like it was yesterday.

15.  I wish I could rewind and have those years back.

16.  I’m really nervous but excited at the same time.

17.  I’m going to miss this place.

18.  The commencement ceremony stage looks so much bigger when you’re the one actually graduating.

19.  Oh crap, they just called my name.

20.  Deep breaths, deep breaths.


21.  Wow, I actually did this.

22.  I survived four years of college!


Fernanda Teixeira is a senior at New Mexico State University who is majoring in Mass Communication and minoring in Advertising/Marketing. When she's not running around on campus, you can usually find her in the corner shoving her face with jellybeans. Her favorite hobbies include talking 24/7 about her dog, showing people photos of her dog, and seamlessly fitting her dog into everyday conversations. Did I mention she has a dog?