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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NMSU chapter.

In honor of the spooky season and a dash of inspiration from Netflix’s “Two Sentence Horror Stories” I have decided to write some of my own. Many are inspired by true terrifying events and others simply concocted from my imagination, but you’ll never know the difference. Here are 15 original two sentence horror stories. 

1. “Achoo!” “Bless you,” but then I remembered I was home alone on the second floor.


2. I hurried outside, pulled out my key, and reached out to lockup for the night. The door closed, and I felt a jolt from the doorknob; I was being rushed out, but nobody else was inside the apartment. 


3. I looked through the peep hole to see who could be knocking at three in the morning, but I could only see long straggly black hair. “Why are they turned around… I can’t see their face” I said quietly to myself, but then they did and still I saw no face just more long straggly black hair. 


4. I waited a few minutes and then opened the door to look around outside. Then I saw its humanoid body sort of slither around the building. 


5. Back then it wasn’t unusual for us to play in the cemetery at night. It was the only time we had to run free before everyone came back in the morning.


6. Normally I’d say it was the neighbors’ baby crying. They moved out a month ago though.


7. “Thanks for opening the front door sister, my hands are full!” Then I saw her exit the bathroom from down the hall; “What, I didn’t open the front door” she replied.


8. They said not to play with marbles after midnight.  I should have listened.


9. “Can you please tell the guy in the devil mask to stop pushing people in the haunted house; he is being really aggressive” “We don’t have anyone wearing that costume inside,” said the manager.


10. “Hey mom, I’m home!” “Okay honey, I’m up here,” then my phone beeped *From Mom* “Hey honey, I’m on my way home!” 


11. I looked up and through the crack of  my bedroom door I saw my mom walk by and then a dark hand emerged to turn off my light. “Mom, mom, mom is that you?”…then I heard her yell from her room; “Mijo what’s wrong?” 


12. It was a strange little station, but the gas was cheap, so I decided to stop there on my way back. It was nowhere to be found though, just an empty lot. 


13. There’s a knock on the car window and police sirens everywhere. “Ma’am step out of the car and please hand me the head.” 


14. I keep walking up with scratches. It doesn’t make sense, I’ve already pulled out all my fingernails. 


15. It’s All Hallows’ Eve with sweet treats and little creeps, but I’ll l never get to leave. I never get to leave. 


I hope you got a little creeped, but not too freaked!  Happy Halloween! 

Journalism and Mass Communications major at NMSU with an emphasis in Public Relations and Broadcast. Minor in Communication Studies. There's Always Hope.
International Business and French double major fascinated by story telling and poodles!