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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Niagara chapter.

Campus Cutie: The ladies of Alpha Sigma Alpha

Fun Facts:

Established: 1901 in Farmville, Virginia.

Notable ASA Alumnae: Dorcas Bates Reilly (inventor of the casserole), Denise Swanson (Best-Selling author), Lauren Brie Harding (Fashion model, appeared on America’s Next Top Model), Angie Cole (Actress and assistant producer of shows such as The Simple Life, and Road Rules)

A Deeper look at the ASA Sisters:   

What does sorority life mean to you?

“Sorority life means a safe place to be yourself and be supported in all that you do. It’s that home-away-from-home feeling. My sorority is my family.” – Christie

“Sorority life means sisterhood, friendship, and family. It is a place where strong, independent women work together to make a change and support one another in each of their goals and aspirations.”  – Stevie

Why did you join ASA?

“ I joined ASA because I felt really alone here. Freshman year was tough for me. I actually always wanted to join a sorority since I was little, because I had no sisters. I contemplated transferring. but then I was in Gally and two girls came up to me; MK and Jill. They talked to me about ASA and I came out to meet everyone. I never thought I would do that on my own. But I did, and I got a bid and was shocked. These are the best people I’ve met in my life.” – Taylor

“Being a transfer, commuter, and non-traditional student was a total cocktail for disaster coming to Niagara. I wanted to find a way to get involved in community service while meeting new people. ASA caught my eye with the work they do with the Special Olympics. I went to the first night of recruitment and was hooked! Not only have I made amazing friends, I now have a whole family of sisters for life. I love these ladies for life!” – Brenna

What is your favorite pick-up line or what is the best pick up line that has been used on you?

“ I love the really super corny pick-up lines, because if a guy is confident enough to look like a complete fool, then I might actually end up giving him a chance. That being said, “how much does a polar bear weigh? Enough to break the ice!” – Leah M.

“Here’s a band-aid, I see you scraped your knee when you fell from heaven!” – Lea P.

What non-physical traits do you find attractive in the opposite sex?

“He has to have humor, be goal-driven, and be family-oriented.” – Lea P.

“He should be charming, nerdy, and funny.” – Christie

“He needs humor, passion, and drive to keep me interested.” – Brenna

What are the best qualities of an ASA member? 

“The best qualities of ASA are that each member brings something different to the table. We as a whole are so unique. I love that our differences are what brings us together.” – Christie

“Every woman is dedicated, passionate, and filled with sisterly love” – Leah M.

Stevie is a double major in International Studies/Political Science and a double minor in Women Studies/Middle Eastern Islamic Studies. She is the Co-Editor of Her Campus Niagara, an Intern for Congressman Brian Higgins, and is a proud Sister of Alpha Sigma Alpha. She hopes to join the Peace Corps, and to one day start her own Non-Profit organization that helps survivors of Human Trafficking while spreading awareness about this world wide problem.
Sarah is a sophomore TESOL/French double major at Niagara University. She is involved in EAGLE Leadership, Niagara University Future Teachers of America, a Community Assistant, Teacher's Assistant, and founder of the Niagara HC chapter.