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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at New School chapter.

My phone lights up, it’s the Wall Street Journal informing me once again on updates of Donald Trump’s first week in office. These past few days, Trump’s inauguration has been all the rage. All newspapers, and most online publications, have been reporting and writing on the Women’s March, a protest circulating around the globe, demonstrating everyone’s anger towards the elected President. All the images on my instagram feed revolve around the same content; people are taking action and I feel empowered more than ever. From this election, many students, democrats, liberals, environmentalists, feminists, activists, and so many others have been wounded by the unsettling and surprising news that was announced on November 9, 2016.

No one thought it was possible. But, let’s put the politics aside. The media constantly reminds us of it already. This a time for change, people are aware, angry, and hurt. Let’s reflect and realize that we need to take care of ourselves, mentally and physically.

We need to be there for one another.

Paul, John, Ringo, and George were right, all we really need, is love. Instead of working against one another, we should be working towards healing together. Communication is the key to all doors. If you need to, take the time to join a student organization to discuss the healing process. It’s important to share your feelings and to remember that you are not alone.

You have a VOICE, don’t ever doubt that.

One of the amazing privileges of living in this generation is the portable electronic devices we carry. It’s the fact that we have access to all this data, news, and social media right at our fingertips. We can easily connect with one another and be heard. This is our time! One shouldn’t ever feel small and powerless. Oftentimes, that’s the issue, students and many others feel that they are not able to create the change they hope to see. But by coming together, we become “the people” the constitution constantly references.  


Hello there, my name is Caroline Dilone, I was born and bred in NYC and am a graduate of The New School where I majored in Journalism + Design. I have a passion for storytelling, travel, art, and coffee shops. As a former Her Campus New School Writer, I am so excited to return as an After College Feature Writer.
If you're interested HCTNS, please e-mail us at hc.newschool@hercampus.com