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What Your Film Major Boyfriend is Getting Wrong About the Classics

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at New School chapter.

We all know those sensitive, film school boys who might speak a lot in class, but how much do they actually know about the movies you watch? Laura Mulvey, a feminist film critic, wrote a revolutionary book about how misogyny affects the way film narratives are constructed. Although women in the film industry are making great strides towards equality, there is still a trend of film school students, typically men, reading the film through the male gaze, and not seeing it for what it truly is. Here’s how your film major boyfriend (FMB) is getting it all wrong.

Fight Club

Why your FMB likes it: It reaffirms the idea that men are violent and dominant. Meek Jack creates a macho and violent alter ego, Tyler, who starts Fight Club, so men can beat the sh*t out of each other, and realize their power. Jack’s need for Tyler, his outlet for destructive behaviors, reinforces the idea of “alpha” and “beta” men, and that beta’s need to realize their full potential as men to be alphas.

Why it’s actually good: Originally, it was a criticism of the masculine culture that the patriarchy has created. The book by Chuck Palahniuk’s is described by Empire as having “a great deal of sick humor at the expense of masculine ideals and white-collar society.” and director David Fincher was praised for his faithfulness to the book.


500 Days of Summer

Why your FMB likes it: Because it validates his feelings of entitlement to a woman’s time and introduced him to the penis game.

Why it’s actually good: Because it presents the problem with the ‘manic pixie dream girl’ box men tend to put women into and why that’s harmful to the relationship. Although it’s told from the male characters perspective, the female characters are the ones truly emphasizing the message of the film. And Zoey Deschenal is a treasure.


Donnie Darko

Why your FMB boyfriend likes it: He’s a contrarian.

Why it’s actually good: It’s not.


The Dark Knight:

Why your FMB likes it: Because he identifies with The Joker, one of the greatest red flags in history.

Why it’s actually good: It’s an absolutely amazing action movie with extraordinary performances, perfect setpieces, timing and tension. Heath Ledger is the perfect Joker.


Face Off:

Why your FMB likes it: It’s got everything dudes like! Explosion, murder, revenge, two male main characters.

Why it’s actually good: If you’re looking for a dumb movie to laugh at and make a drinking game out of after you dump your ex for making you watch it, this is the one. It features living memes, John Travolta and Nic Cage, swapping faces and playing each other. I wish I was kidding.


Citizen Kane

Why your FMB likes it: He hasn’t actually seen it. He read the synopsis and his film teacher hyped it up. He just wants to sound smart.

Why it’s actually good: Explores the complications of wealth, fame, family and failure. The director of photography for Citizen Kane, Gregg Toland, is considered an innovator for his work on the film. It has an intricate narrative and visual story.


Honorable Mentions

Breaking Bad – It’s incredibly entertaining to watch, it’s considered one of the best TV shows of all time for a reason! But because of the way TV is typically written, people can’t separate a well-written show from having a good main character. Walter White is such a jerk to everyone in his life for no reason. Watching him lose his mind and get deeper into it is what makes the show good, he is not a good person.

Rick and Morty: See Above.

Merlin Garcia

New School '21

Merlin Garcia was born in Austin, Texas and now attends Eugene Lang College. She studies film with a concentration in screenwriting. She hopes to someday work in television and publish a book of essays.
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