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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at New School chapter.

Just recently, we reported the story of how Parson’s MFA student, Freddie, had his art pulled from a show without his permission (read the full story here).

We’re happy to put out this update following our initial report.

Thanks to Parsons Dean Joel Towers and Professor Simone Douglas, Freddie’s work is back on display, right where it should be.

This is a huge victory for students, as this story goes beyond artistic expression. It touches on issues of justice, freedom, and power. Rather than accept the verdict that his art was offensive – which was not the intention of the pieces whatsoever – Freddie fought for what he believed in and demanded he be heard. And, our wonderful New School faculty was all ears.

So, congratulations, Freddie, and thank you for teaching us to persist.

Congratulations, students, on our collective victory.  

And to Dean Towers, Professor Douglas, and many other administration members throughout all divisions at our beloved New School, thank you for your dedication to your students and your continued support. We are truly grateful.

[Feature Image by youthvoices] 

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